Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Learn How To Masterbaute

kiwi cheesecake with chocolate ecstasy

This cheesecake and 'being done in four hands, we say that he' s done
my daughter and I have only watched, because he had never made a cheesecake, it felt more '
safe with me next.
too 'cause that night he had organized a dinner with his friends.
I have to say it 'was very good, and for dessert for dinner and I would say
a' good housewife.
Sara 'a hereditary thing to cook well?
Well who knows ', definitely make sweet together since he was small, it has
fact' that you share my passion.
What say too proud of my daughter?
's all mother's heart, but it 's really good.
proceed with the recipe.

ingredients for the base
g digestive biscuits. 70

butter for cream
gr.250 cream cheese philadelphia
gr icing sugar. 15 gelatin
5 kiwi

for toping
mass 800 g. kiwi
100 gr.
sugar 6 sheets gelatin

start with the basic chop the biscuits, melt the butter and incorporate
with crushed cookies

Place the film in the mold of cm. 24

Make the base by pressing the mixture well.

Cut kiwi slices around and put
for decoration and cut the rest into small pieces for the 'central dough.
gr.15 Meanwhile soak gelatin in cold water.

Whip cream and keep refrigerated. Mount
the ricotta with the Philadelphia and icing sugar.
Dissolve gelatin sheets with a little 'warm milk and incorporate all
' dough. Add
panna montata delicatamente all' impasto e poi i pezzetti di

Mettere l' impasto nella tortiera e porre in frigo per alcune ore.


Tagliare i kiwi
metterli nel frullatore

Passarli al setaccio e aggiungere lo zucchero e la colla di pesce ammollata
e sciolta in un dito di acqua calda.
Lasciare addensare un po' e metterlo subito sopra la torta e rimettere
in frigo.

Che ne dite, e' stata brava Francesca?



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