Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Junior Dresses For 8th Grade Dance

omelette with peppers and herbs with slices

Who asks how we are doing at try a recipe a day evidently not sailing for culinary blog (by the way, but culinary blog, would not be more Italian food blog!?) or pastry cooking magazine or does not have the shelves full of cookbooks ... Then there is who recipes if dreams at night and who if found everywhere, even on ' bus!
Milanese friend , if you use public transportation, you've probably noticed a famous company has filled the slices proper supports with advertising and recipes to take away ... And who could happen on a bus in Milan? And who could Takeaway recipes? Our unique (and thank goodness!) Aiuolik :-)

In this regard we have to appeal , almost a "who has seen " but in Our case is called "I saw you but not know who you are. "Oh yes, because after taking the prescription , his traveling companion Alejandro appointed Trattoria's most popular web just to prove if he remembered that the ' Emphasis is on u! The fact is that after hearing " Muvara " a man with a red scarf began to look with suspicion our heroine. friend with red scarf, you are a virtual customer? Make outing at least behind the monitor as you did dal vivo! Su su, non essere timido , se sei lì che leggi manda almeno un saluto ad Aiuolik che, come saprai, è supercuriosissima !!!

Aspettando il nostro amico sciarpato , passiamo alla ricetta.

Ingredienti (per 4 persone):

  • 4 sottilette
  • 2 peperoni rossi
  • 6 uova
  • erba cipollina
  • olio extra-vergine d'oliva
  • sale
  • pepe
Mettete i peperoni in una teglia foderata con un foglio d'alluminio e grigliateli per 20 minuti, girandoli di tanto in tanto. Toglieteli dal forno e lasciateli raffreddare un po', quindi spellateli e privateli dei semi. Rivestite una tortiera di 22 cm. di diametro con carta forno, oliatela e distribuite sul fondo i peperoni a striscioline, aggiungete due sottilette a pezzettini e una manciata di erba cipollina spezzettata. A parte sbattete le uova con un pizzico di sale e di pepe e versatele sui peperoni. Cuocete in forno già caldo a 180° per 20 minuti, aggiungete le restanti sottilette e lasciate sciogliere ancora per 1 minuto.

La sciarpa rossa la trionferà!


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