Vi ricordate Dexter , i donuts , le caccavelliadi e poi " ops! ma la caccavella non serve "?. Ecco, dopo quei donuts, avevamo cercato alternative idea , which is a recipe for baked donuts to and in this we were met by even the dearest Enza (which he also accomplished last year, Greetings! !) informing us this recipe.
Now that we know read recipes, we noticed immediately that even this time, he did mention molds for donuts. But, in short, for what we bought them for? However, since cooking provided required the oven, in Trattoria we decided to use the molds instead of using the pasta bowl as provided for in the recipe to start.
In reality the end, given the abundance of the dough, we made a little '(12) with the mold and a little' (8-10) with the glass ... Those with mold have actually all the appearance of the donuts, but since the dough has continued to rise ... not all donuts sono riuscite con il buco :-)
Terminiamo con il dire che Uncle Pigor è ormai convinto di questa cosa e noi ve la diciamo, ancora prima di provare magari a testare anche questa soluzione ( Enza , ma quante ciambelle mangeremo alla fine?). La teoria di Uncle è che gli stampi servono per dare la forma alle ciambelle per farle lievitare prima di friggerle... pratica che, lui dice, si usa anche per i made fried . Since we are close to day " fat, maybe even try the fried facts ;-)
regard to taste , we must also say that, as said Wayl " are very good, but not the donuts, the donuts are the other (ie these ) and the fact that he in America there was and we do not take for his good comment!
- 1 uovo a temperatura ambiente
- 225 ml. di latte intero tiepido
- 60 gr. di zucchero semolato
- circa 450 gr. di farina
- 7 gr. di lievito di birra disidratato
- 100 gr. di burro a temperatura ambiente
- 1/2 bacca di vaniglia
- 1 pizzico di sale
- burro fuso (per la finitura)
- zucchero semolato (per la finitura)
In una terrina stattete leggermente l'uovo con la frusta, aggiungete quindi lo zucchero, il latte intiepidito con l’estratto di vaniglia, e il sale. Mescolare bene il tutto. Aggiungete quindi circa 2/3 della farina assieme al lievito e impastate a bassa velocità fino a quando l’impasto non risulterà omogeneo. Aggiungete il burro precedentemente tagliato a cubetti, un pezzetto per volta, e impastate fino a quando l’impasto non avrà assorbito tutto il burro. Aggiungete quindi la farina rimanente, un po’ per volta e impastare fino ad ottenere un impasto lucido ed elastico, morbido ma non eccessivamente appiccicoso.
Nota: a seconda della farina che state usando potrebbe essere necessario aggiungerne dell'altra, come è successo a noi, o non usarla tutta, come è successo a Tuki .
Versate l’impasto on lightly floured pastry board and knead briefly by hand until it will stick more to the hands. Pour the batter into a lightly greased bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about an hour.
Deflate the dough and sticks, from which we created the ring to be placed on the mold. If you do not have the mold, roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm. or a little more and cut donuts dough using two pairs (one from the other 7.5 cm in diameter, 2.5 cm) and arrange them well apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
Note: in the absence of cup paste using a glass and a bottle cap ;-)
Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for about 20-30 minutes, or until the volume of donuts will not be doubled. Bake in conventional oven, preheated to 200 ° C for about 6-8 minutes, or until the biscuits will not be lightly browned. Once cooked, immediately brush with a little melted butter and plenty of sugar in the past. Serve hot.
Note: actually Aiuolik has prepared the night and brought to office the next morning and they were super good though. Word of Aiuolik who has tasted even still warm, you do, you'll be free?
Nota: a seconda della farina che state usando potrebbe essere necessario aggiungerne dell'altra, come è successo a noi, o non usarla tutta, come è successo a Tuki .
Versate l’impasto on lightly floured pastry board and knead briefly by hand until it will stick more to the hands. Pour the batter into a lightly greased bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about an hour.
Deflate the dough and sticks, from which we created the ring to be placed on the mold. If you do not have the mold, roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm. or a little more and cut donuts dough using two pairs (one from the other 7.5 cm in diameter, 2.5 cm) and arrange them well apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
Note: in the absence of cup paste using a glass and a bottle cap ;-)
Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for about 20-30 minutes, or until the volume of donuts will not be doubled. Bake in conventional oven, preheated to 200 ° C for about 6-8 minutes, or until the biscuits will not be lightly browned. Once cooked, immediately brush with a little melted butter and plenty of sugar in the past. Serve hot.
Note: actually Aiuolik has prepared the night and brought to office the next morning and they were super good though. Word of Aiuolik who has tasted even still warm, you do, you'll be free?
B as ...
Hole ...!
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