Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cicely Mary Baker Cross Stitch

jam mandarin and kiwi

We are in a Hamlet-like question: jam or jam? If the jam is only citrus, this may be a marmellura or perhaps a pelleted ? To answer these questions we do not know, but we know for certain which in any way want to call it, this product makes us company over lunch and is very good ! The recipe we had seen here by Tania and we had promised to try it, because here our breakfasts are made with bread and jam ( bread and jam is a bit 'ugly to say, do not you?). In our opinion, this recipe is also the ' ideal for those who do not like too sweet jams. In short, so enjoy now that there are so many mandarins around!


  • 500 gr. firm ripe kiwi into small pieces, weighed 500 grams peeled
  • . mandarin pieces, peeled
  • weighed 500 grams. sugar

Place all ingredients in a pot a bordi alti e portate a bollore a fiamma bassa. Mescolate continuamente fino a quando la marmellata non raggiunge la consistenza desiderata.

Nota: per verificare la consistenza della marmellata, fate la prova piattino: versate un po' di marmellata su un piattino, soffiate per far raffreddare, se raffreddatasi non scivola รจ pronta.

Spegnete quindi il fuoco e mettete la marmellata nei vasetti sterilizzati, chiudeteli ermeticamente e capovolgeteli in modo da farli entrare sotto-vuoto. Potete consumarla dal giorno dopo oppure conservarla in luogo fresco e asciutto.

Mi ManKi


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