Basta ! Non provate a fermarci ! Ora glielo diciamo!!!
" Caro contadino, sono anni che te lo tengono nascosto, ma sappi che il formaggio con le pere è buonissimoooo!!! "
Ecco, ci siamo tolti un peso !
Detto questo, la ricetta di oggi l'abbiamo presa da un volantino trovato a casa di Una Mela (anche se la ricetta è a base di pera) che sponsorizzava le pere di questa marca . Anzi, se avete ricette con le pere che volete report, you can do so by following the link above.
With this recipe participate in the contest " Fruit pot" of yeast and flour fantasy, not so much to win that, instead, to participate in the blogosphere (which in this period are many and difficult to follow them).
Ingredients (for 4 farmers):
- 320 gr. mixed cereal (we used the box of cereal 5)
- 2 pears Abbot
- 1 onion 100 gr.
- of Pecorino cheese 4 tablespoons Parmesan
- a glass of sparkling brut
- vegetable broth 1 tablespoon of butter
- extra-virgin olive oil salt
- pepper
Preparation :
In a saucepan, toast the cereal with a little oil and pour sparkling wine to evaporation. Combined with a ladle of broth before adding the chopped onion browned you have to part with a little oil. Gradually add hot cereal (about 10-12 minutes) adding the hot stock a little at a time. Season with salt.
Peel pears and cut them into cubes. In a separate pan brown them with the butter. Season with salt and pepper and keep warm.
Finally stir in the cereal with the grated cheese and a knob of butter.
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