Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Carnation Breakfast Auctions

Culinary Primer: Aspic tuna and salmon with yogurt sauce

Alice watch cats
and cats run in the sun
as the sun makes love to the moon
[ Alice - F. De Gregori]

The first attempt aspic in fact there had not and we believe it announced that we will have experienced ... After all the 'ABC is also an excuse to learn something and saw that 18 can always refuse, we resubmitted examination. But this time nothing mold stick to pancakes, but a mold ceramic pudding. Certainly the 30 do not get it yet, but this time at least we personally are very, very satisfied with the result.

What do you say? There two without three ? We do not know ... because the stage for a few moments put the mold in boiling water ", our heroine was about to burn a finger ... :-)

Noi quindi non sappiamo ancora dirvi se ci sarà un terzo tentativo, però aspettiamo con ansia (anche se la notte dormiamo bene comunque :-) ) i vostri tentativi come hanno già fatto Claudia e Cocò (in rigoroso ordine alfabetico !). E se anche voi vi stavate chiedendo, come Viola , se il tema era " aspic di verdure ", supponiamo che oggi sia chiaro che la risposta è no. Vale tutto ma proprio tutto , per cui anche aspic dolci! Come on, launch the blobbeggiante world of jelly!

Ingredients (for a mold of 12 cm.) Diameter:
  • 2 slices of smoked salmon
  • 90 gr. tuna in oil, drained
  • 5-6 green olives in brine sgiocciolate
  • a handful of salted capers, plus 8-10 capers for garnish
  • extra-virgin olive
Ingredients gelatin:
  • 1 package of prepared gelatin
  • 125 ml. Water
  • 125 ml. fish stock
Stone the olives and cut into small pieces, add the tuna and capers and knead it with the blender until they become a smooth cream.
Pour the mixture into a jelly pan, pour the cold water gradually, stirring constantly. Put on the heat and slowly add broth, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, boil for 1 minute and remove from heat.
Let cool briefly, pour a bit 'of gelatin in the mold making sure you reach the jelly even at the edges. Put in the refrigerator and let it cool a few minutes.
Cut the salmon into strips and put them on the bottom of the mold so that they cross. Put the capers in the exposed parts aside for garnishing. Pour a little jelly and place in refrigerator for a few more minutes. Finally, pour the cream of tuna, "close" the mold with a layer of jelly and place in refrigerator. Let cool for at least 3-4 hours.
Before serving, dip the mold in boiling water for a while and then reversed the aspic on the plate.

A as ...
... Open Sesame!


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