Sunday, February 27, 2011

Silly Facts About Cycstic Fibrosis


I attended the game forums Zasusa.
E 'was great to cook a recipe passed from one' other food-bloggers.
The game worked well ', I had to cook a recipe passed from Alessia
of thyme and marjoram
blog, and I spent my own recipe to Simot of Fame
good blog

Simot cooked my ecstasy of chocolate with caramelized oranges .
probably at the end there will be 'a winner, though, and' be nice
comparison, a good experience.
That 's the recipe the bonet Alessia
and I l' I followed to the letter.

10 servings INGREDIENTS

30 g unsweetened cocoa powder 1 / 2 cups milk 3 eggs

2 egg yolks 3 tablespoons rum
60g of sugar (more 'for the caramel 100g)
a zest lemon
100 g amaretti


Warm the milk with the lemon zest.

Beat eggs with sugar,

add cocoa powder, liquor, crushed amaretti biscuits, warm milk, mix well

completely crush the macaroons but if you want to get the real bonet
coarsely crushed because you have to fall to the bottom of the bonet
creating two layers of different consistency.

In a pan put the sugar and caramelize it;
is important not to incorporate air into the caramel, then
only move the pan if you are afraid that the sugar will stick but not rotate.

Place the molds to heat them and then pour the caramel
sliding all over the walls, the veil will be created
will solidify quickly.
Fill the molds with the mixture and bake at 180 °,
water bath for about 45 minutes.
Let cool and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving.

With this recipe, I participated in the contest Zasusa
Games Forum



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