Tra i tanti libri arrivati in Trattoria tra Natale e compleanno di Aiuolik, anche uno dedicato interamente alle crostate accompagnato da uno stampo a cerniera nuovo nuovo. Stampo e libro inaugurati già all'inizio di Gennaio , ma ricetta rimasta ancora qui tra le bozze .
Oggi però è giunto il suo momento , perché con questa torta (buonissima!) vogliamo festeggiare il 40° compleanno del piccolo Pi . Sì, ok, la torta è virtuale , ma ci teniamo a precisare che proprio lui è stato uno degli assaggiatori della torta reale ...E per quanto riguarda la sua torta di compleanno, beh, a quello penserà la zia Shaghy e, chissà!, magari se ne parlerà anche in questo blog ;-)
Ingredienti (per la pasta frolla):
- 250 gr. di farina bianca
- 65 gr. di zucchero semolato
- 150 gr. di burro freddo a cubetti
- 1 uovo grosso
- 2 tablespoons heavy cream a pinch of salt
Ingredients (for stuffing):
- 5 dl.
- fresh cream 400 gr. dark chocolate (cacao 70%), coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon Cointreau
Put the flour, sugar and salt in a food processor and shake it. Add butter and operated the robot again, until mixture is grainy. Add the egg and cream and blend until all dough is formed. Inverse
the dough on a sheet of plastic wrap. Give it the shape of a disk with a diameter of 28 cm., Wrap in plastic wrap and keep in refrigerator for 30 minutes (or up to 48 hours).
Lightly butter a tart with a detachable base to 28 cm. in diameter. Roll out the dough and place it on a lightly floured surface cold. Roll out the dough between two sheets of plastic wrap until you get a plate with a diameter of 33 cm. and a thickness of 3 mm. Occasionally lift the film from the surface of the dough and flour it if it starts to stick. If the dough becomes too soft, let it harden in the refrigerator.
to transfer into the pan removed the top layer of film. Lightly flour the rolling pin and arrotolatevi the dough loosely eliminating the other sheet of plastic.
Bring the dough on the rolling pin over the pan and gently srotolatela. Helping you insert it into the pan with your fingers and being careful not to break it. Fold the dough over itself leaking from the edge of the pan to form a thick 5 mm.
Preheat oven to 200 ° C for about 20 minutes. Cover the dough with aluminum foil and fill with dried beans. Bake for 10-12 minutes, then lower the oven temperature to 190 ° C. Remove aluminum and beans and continue cooking for another 15 minutes until the dough is golden. Do
to cool and prepare the stuffing as follows.
Pour the cream into a thick-bottomed pan and bring to a simmer. As soon as the first bubbles appear remove the pan from heat and add chocolate. Stir in the Cointreau and stir well until the chocolate has melted. Mix the cream with a whisk and let cool for 15 minutes. Spread the filling on the base of the cake and keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours.
B as ...
... Happy Birthday!
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