Monday, March 7, 2011

Jay Barker Mountain Brook

Culinary Primer: British Monday: apple crumble

Ma se soltanto per un attimo potessi averti accanto
forse non ti direi niente ma ti guarderei soltanto.
[ Caterina - F. De Gregori]
C of Crumble gave us a bit 'of a hard . In fact, the real reason why the C are over the Crumble in the blogosphere is that we have seen many of those who crumble Aiuolik thought " sti crumble, I have to try it too, sooner or later "and so what better opportunity 's ABC ?

The hard time has come when we had to decide the recipe to try. The books " classics" such as Silver Spoons or Lisa Biondi or other books ignore the existence of the sweet crumble ... So we decided to start from origins, or by meaning of the word. So we WordRefernce crumble translates, among other things, as a verb meaning " crumble ... So we check the definition and always WordReference , tells us:

Brit. a pudding made with fruit and a topping of fat and flour rubbed to the texture of breadcrumbs.

Ok, here we come! And 'something British (and then reappear here under the heading "British Monday", the rest is now well on Monday!), Or a pudding based fruit with a texture of a compound of flour and fat crumbled ... So? So let's groom all cookbooks in English that we have Trattoria (And there are many!), Including Delia's Christmas book (after all, Christmas or not, we just make a crumble). Nothing . No trace of crumble.

We decided therefore to rely on web and try recipes (English and English!) To crumble. So we end up on the website of BBC where there is a session dedicated to the kitchen and where we find, among others, the recipe of 'Apple Crumble , or the apple crumble that we experienced at the end and eaten :-)

Now we still have time to study new crumble, but also expect the your and as the blogosphere is full of crumble, expect them to leave us feedback as your recipes already try and those yet to be tested !

Meanwhile wait a few B ( Enza , Viola , this restaurant awaits you!) And then page B as a Bavarian non รจ ancora aggiornata con le immagini. Grazie a tutti i blogger che stanno cucinando con noi, siamo molto contenti !!!

per il crumble:

  • 300g di farina con un pizzico di sale
  • 175g di zucchero di canna
  • 200g di burro in cubetti a temperatura ambiente
  • burro per la pirofila
per il ripieno:
  • 450g apples, peeled and cut into pieces of 1.5 cm
  • 50 gr. brown sugar 1 tablespoon flour
  • a pinch of cinnamon

Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Put the flour and sugar in a large bowl and mix. Gradually add cubes of butter and work until the mixture becomes crumbly.
Separately, add the apples with sugar, flour and cinnamon. Mix being careful not to break the fruit.
Butter a baking dish of 24 cm. Pour the filling of apples and then cover with the crumble mixture. Bake for 40-45 minutes until il crumble imbrunisce e il ripieno di frutta bolle.
Servite con panna o crema pasticcera.

C come...


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