Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How Do You Get The Cameron In Poptropica Nabooti

.. .. And I have made these blacks; -))


Quqalche passing day ago by SARAH
  • I saw Pici her and I'm innamorata.Ho immediately thought of them again but as usual if not I'll put something of mine and I am not happy because lately I'm dievrtendo a lot to work with the burned wheat flour, I decided, "they do blacks" ;-) So saying that I am making a mix, I have already to explain how good this meal and what I like to work.
    The scent of wood smoke, nuts makes me crazy! Even
  • explained more than once how to prepare the paste, which is born without eggs in truth, but that I loved because I was afraid, having never worked so the corn burned, then results as too hard both during the processing, and after cooking.
    So then it was time and prox not insert
    eggs :-) If you are not familiar with the pasta, add the eggs safely, the job will be easier.
    Once the dough will be ready you can just pull it into a pastry round, not too thin and cut to form the "noodles" a little thicker than usual ..


    Once all the dough you just cut to form many "spaghetti" by rolling each piece of dough on a pastry.

    If Pici not consume them at once, leave them lying flat on floured pastry board well with the burnt wheat, cover it with a cotton cloth and above with a large plastic bag, this aiuterà a mantenere la giusta umidità senza seccare la pasta,cosi che quando andrete a prenderla per cuocerla non si spaccherà tutta,ogni tanto sollevate la copertura e fate prendere un pò di aria.


    Se cercate la farina di grano arso,
  • tra pochi giorni vi potrà venire in aiuto ,finalmente si potrà trovare anche nel suo negozio online ;-)
    Sempre grazie a Sarah,che mi ha donato un magnifico sacchetto di spugnole secche,ho condito i Pici con un sugo di funghi,pane tostato con erbe e acciughe,ma in questo caso non il condimento a far la differenza ma questa magnifica farina ;-)

    PICI with wheat flour and morel ARSO


    150 grams of wheat flour burned

    450 grams of flour 00

    2 small eggs 1 tablespoon oil

    1 /

    2 teaspoon salt Mix all the ingredients to let the dough rest for 30 minutes, prepare the pici and season to taste.

    * The burnt wheat flour is blended with 00 at the rate of 1:3


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