Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Woke Up And My Ankle Hurts

Culinary Primer: Bavarian Lombard

But what is just down the bottom,
When we do good or bad math,
And the days gocciolerannmo as the taps in the dark
and say "... ... wait a moment ..." never to be ready
[ Madam Bovary - F. Guccini]

Aiuolik was not sure you really want to do his terzo tentativo in fatto di Bavarese . Non era affatto sicura perché tutte le Bavaresi di cui aveva letto non c' azzeccavano niente, ma proprio niente, con la ricetta che aveva davanti e che aveva deciso di provare. Così una volta davanti a frullini , savoiardi , uova e quant'altro era già lì che pensava al post da scrivere e un po' le piangeva il cuore (sì dai, oggi ci sentiamo letterari). Sì, perché svelare al contadino che il formaggio is delicious with pears is a game child, but to tell His Majesty a recipe that we did not like mica is so simple , you try it if you can. So Aiuolik while preparing the Bavarian Lombarda of Her Majesty tried to bring out the positives " prepares quickly" but the devil always there "but is not a Bavarian firm yolks and then those ... and then when the whole spatascerà'll pull out of the mold . In ogni caso Aiuolik prepara la Bavarese, la mette in frigo e la porta a casa di Una Mela e Sign.ra Doriana per condividerla con loro. Il ricordo del diavoletto fa anche sì che la nostra eroina faccia la foto anche prima di impiattare il dolce (just in case!).

E invece ? Volete sapere una cosa? Questo dolce, non solo è velocissimo da fare, non solo non si è spatasciato nell'impiattarlo, but, more importantly, it is really good ! Now, we yet we retain the doubt that has nothing to do with the Bavarian true. " Looking on the net except for a famous company presenting his Bavarian sponge cake as a Lombard with lots of mascarpone, we found only references to Her Majesty (apart from the usual sites that copy without even giving reference, and bloggers we know what you're talking about, unfortunately). Our conclusion is that no matter what his name and reasons, the fact is that it is really good and recommend especially in spring and summer as an alternative to parfaits.

Ingredients (serves 8):
  • 180 gr.
  • of butter 180 gr. icing sugar
  • 150 gr. 6 yolks of sponge
  • firm
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract to taste
  • alchermes
  • pineapple juice to taste
Note: Her Majesty provided for the alternate use of alchermes and cordial. Now, the rose oil and we did not find it at home we did not really want (and no time to be honest). In addition, both an apple Sign.ra Doriana are not fans of liquor, so we opted to dilute the alcohol using the pineapple juice.

Boil the eggs for seven minutes. Take away the red and stemperateli in butter with whips. Add the powdered sugar and vanilla and work very hard for the mixture with the whisk whisk. Take a pudding mold with ribs, wet it with alchermes, cut in half, lengthwise, the biscuits, slightly intingeteli half juice and half pineapple nell'alchermes. They lined the mold with alternating two colors. Then pour the mixture in half, cover with more ladyfingers dipped the latter, leave for at least three hours in the refrigerator.

B as ...
Artusi ... and Bravo!


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