Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Love Signature For Texting

Under the dress ... tractor!

Son with one foot still in the ground and the other already in the sea
and cover you for a jacket and a hat to greet
and the money locked in the belt that you no one can snatch them,
people today are not afraid, not to steal.
[ The clothing of a stoker - F. De Gregori]

Quest'anno niente frittelle di carnevale in Trattoria, niente vestiti a maschera a sfilare, niente feste in maschera a cui partecipare... Insomma, un carnevale un po' in sordina qui in Trattoria, ma a volte capita anche questo, magari ci rifacciamo un altr'anno!

Però, comunque sia, oggi parliamo un po' di maschere o dovremo dire di " giù le maschere "... Sì, perché in seguito all'uscita di quest'articolo , le foodblogger non sono rimaste colpite dalle parole e dalle citazioni di alcuni dei blog più seguiti e più famosi, bensì dalle foto di donne e cibo in posizioni compromettenti . Sì, vabbè che la donna in abiti succinti è, ahinoi!, un trend molto attuale, ma visto che si parla di cibo perché non parlare di cibo e far come the ' mouth watering for readers with some juicy dish (yep, that at least the newspaper offices of the beautiful photos of food should be able to do)!?

So here at Caris of CookingPlanner it occurred to the contest " Under the dress ... blogger", which is a nice way to say you will never find a foodblogger standing at the stove in a bra and thong or completely covered with chocolate ... The foodblogger woman modern and practical , cooking in the comfort of the clothes that give more security , a bit 'as Linus .

Thus our
Aiuolik decided to get naked and be photographed in her skimpy clothes by cook. Are you ready to discover our tractors? Refraining the faint of heart , I recommend!

The favorite outfits? The tracksuit (or Canadian, as they say here, if you're not in the area, do not ask questions, so we do not know answer)! Especially in winter, the suit consists of a favorite yellow pile (absolute favorite color from our tractor) and a pair of blue pants (no, no reference to the Verona football is only a case). All accompanied by a couple of the warm and comfortable slippers and hair in a ponytail . You passed out? Troppo hard ? E che ci volete fare, il mondo va così...ecco le prove!

C come...


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