Libya, Italy, interconnections and consequences of a crisis ...
Ante Scriptum
Dear friends, I want to tip the balance, saying ...... I think that Berlusconi has forged a tentative agreement or arrangement for mutual aid sharing of Italian bases ..... and perhaps even an agreement of mutual military assistance ..... No coincidence that Putin spoke at a public demonstration outside a rather cryptic phrase in Berlusconi's help ...... and I think in the coming weeks the picture will be much clearer and something along these lines will emerge ..... After all, it is explained why this hasty (in my opinion) staging organized for the sole and only purpose of allowing Anglo American neocons to put your feet on the ground in Libya as soon as possible. True that the Americans have now the "reserve tanks "..... but the rush dave have other urgent and pressing "stimuli." So I think the American hegemony in the Mediterranean (in spite of appearances quite contrary) and reached a crisis point and ireversibile untenable. Laudetur Priapus, Pan et Sol Invictus ...
(Veientes Furious)
Crisis Libyan attack or Italy?, Albert B. Mariantoni
In any international crisis, the main drama with "our" West Americanized - every day more mercantilist, fixer, trafficker, lustful, abettor, pimps, con artist, charlatan, double agent, false moralist, changeable and capricious dispenser of indulgences or curses (a meter ... and rate variable and arbitrary!) and constantly fedigrafo, felon and Maramaldo – è che, per “grazia ricevuta” (non si sa bene da chi…) – e pur essendo, ogni volta ed in qualsiasi genere di conflitto, diretto contendente o semplice parte in causa – ha invariabilmente tendenza ad auto-escludersi da qualsivoglia trasgressione o responsabilità e ad ergersi simultaneamente e pregiudizialmente a neutro e salutare tutore dell’ordine, giudice imparziale, indispensabile soccorritore “umanitario” e boia di servizio.
In altre parole, l’Occidente – per se stesso, ed agli occhi delle nostre atomizzate ed ottenebrate popolazioni – è sempre e comunque il “buono”, e gli altri, invece, costantemente i “cattivi”! Last
exploits of this kind, the bellicose views expressed by some Western countries, with the regime of Colonel Gaddafi, and in relation to the situation of "civil war" that, from February 17 last, is going through Libya, If you prefer, the gheddafiana Al Jamahiriyah (1) to the `Arabiyah Libiyah ash Sha` biyah to Ishtirakiyah (Giamahiriya Arab Libyan People's, Socialist). This "Nation" - with its 1,755,550 km square (nearly 4 times in France, although three-quarters desert) and its 5 or 6 million people (mostly ethnic Berber, Arabic and with a large number Arabized, and at least 22-25% of foreigners) (2) that have traditionally been scattered and broken into five main regions (Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, to Sirte, the Fezzan oasis of Kufra), and culturally / politically parceled into a myriad of contradictory and inconsistent tribe (3) usually mutually opposing or antagonistic - can not, under any circumstances, compared to Tunisia or Egypt.
Let us see more clearly
Libya, in fact - with a production of approximately 1.7 or 2 million barrels of oil per day (second largest in Africa, after Nigeria) and a GDP of approximately $ 87 billion (USD 14,200 per capita) per year - Is one of the key countries of the Mediterranean area. Especially, with regard to Italy and its many and varied economic implications with that State. In particular, the ordinary commercial exchange which tends to oscillate between 12 and 20 billion dollars a year, and a market share of 17.4% in Italian imports (mainly oil and gas, respectively, which are calculable and quantifiable to approximately 24% and 15% of our national demand). Imports that put our Peninsula in first place among the various countries of the world (even 60-70% more than the volume of imports which is claimed by the now powerful and influential China) all’interno dell’antico Mare nostrum. Questo, senza contare gli importanti e, in questo momento, indispensabili e vitali coinvolgimenti finanziari libici, con i maggiori gruppi economici italiani, come ENI, Finmeccanica, Ansaldo, Impregilo, Unicredit, Assicurazioni Generali, Telecom, la Juventus, etc., per non citare che i più considerevoli.
Va da sé, quindi, che la rivolta civile e militare di una parte della popolazione libica, contro l’attuale regime del leader Gheddafi – a differenza delle taroccate e supermediatizzate “rivoluzioni” di Tunisia e d’Egitto (dove nulla, fino ad oggi, per quanto riguarda i rispettivi Regimi al potere, mi sembra che sia sostanzialmente cambiato!) (4) - can not be entirely attributed to the lack of bread or flour, to unemployment or runaway, or the low-income citizens, or insufficient social protection, or the lack of infrastructure or the shortage of civilian homes. But is rather due - in addition to the almost non-existence of freedom of speech and press, and democracy (meaning they are understood in the West) - the tortuous, complicated and constantly unstable balance of power and interest penny that has always - despite the numerous, repeated and vain attempts of the regime of Libyan Jamahiriya amalgamate or unify all of its inhabitants - Continue to exist between the different competitor and tribal organizations in the country. A situation that - wanting it ... or if any particular political / economic outside Libya, it considers it necessary or convenient - it can certainly encourage and make it much easier and feasible any more generalized and attempted bribery and manipulation of an ad hoc large share of public Libya (as, for example, that - from a number of years - is virtually excluded from effective levers of power), with respect to these tribal groups, dipping their "currant", of course, tend to identify the structures of the Giamahiriya Gaddafi or feel directly or indirectly to or associated with them.
said that, with my long (but, I think, necessary) introduction, I will not defend the indefensible absolutely Colonel of Tripoli, let alone claim that his regime is the ne plus ultra of any dynamic, liberated and evolved society.
that Gaddafi is the one who is or has always been - namely, that leap, eccentric and moody character utopian / visionary we all know - and his regime, quell'arzigogolata ordinary form of autocracy and nepotism that we may observe, not I think that may give rise to any discussion.
L’autocrate in questione ed il suo regime, infatti, sono quelli che sono sempre stati (anche se con tratti, sfaccettature ed apparenze convenzionali diverse, iridescenti e successive). E questo, invariabilmente, dal 1 Settembre 1969: data del Colpo di Stato realizzato dall’allora Capitano Muammar Al-Gheddafi e dagli altri 11 “Ufficiali nasseriani” (5) , contro il loro contemporaneo e molto accomodante (con i Britannici e gli Statunitensi) primo ed ultimo Re/fantoccio della Libia, Idriss I che, altri non era, che il religiosissimo e modesto “santone” Sayed Muhammad Idris bin Muhammad al-Mahdi as-Senussi (1889-1983).
Per quanto riguarda l’Italia, il Colonnello e la sua particolare autocrazia – nonostante l’iniqua e forzata espulsione di più di 22.000 nostri connazionali, improvvisamente decretata dal suo nuovo regime (tragedia umana che non suscitò, allora, da parte della nostra Farnesina, nemmeno un banale telegramma di proteste formali!) – sono ben conosciuti nel nostro Paese. E questo, sin dall’epoca democristiana e/o del primo centro-sinistra. Momenti storici in cui, i vari Governi di Roma – pur rifiutando ogni contatto pubblico con l’allora definito “beduino della Sirte”, e su costante pressione politica e diplomatica di Washington – non si vergognavano affatto di fornire graziosamente alla Libia, interi reggimenti di carri armati e di trasporti blindati di troops (officially in surplus or obsolete ...) of the Italian army and even to make delivery, via the OTO-Melara of La Spezia, even sophisticated missiles OTOMAT OTOMAT-1 and-2, and expensive, high-performance training aircraft (and its technical staff) of the SIAI-Marchetti, for training or practice of his would-be pilots. All this, of course, without taking into account the voluntary cooperation of our intelligence and daily military more than once - with its steady, well-informed and decisive "blow" (for example, in 1987 and 1993) - has repeatedly allowed , ineffable Colonel of Tripoli, to save regolarmente il “trono” e, in diverse occasioni, finanche la pelle, facendogli metodicamente conoscere, con ampio anticipo e dovizia di dettagli e di particolari, non soltanto le date ed i luoghi delle diverse e segrete riunioni dei diversi congiurati ma, perfino i nomi, i cognomi e gli indirizzi di coloro che, tra i suoi “amici” o tradizionali rivali, stavano tramando, nell’ombra, possibili attentati contro la sua persona o veri e propri colpi di Stato contro il suo regime.
Diciamo, insomma, per sintetizzare, che, per quanto riguarda l’Italia, la relazione con la Libia è sempre stata dettata da una continua e costante volontà di realpolitik. Una “politica realistica”, in fin auditor, which has invariably been followed and perpetuated over time by all the Italian governments of the past 40 years: that of Spadolini that of Craxi, that of D'Alema to Amato, Dini than that of Prodi and, last but not least, also by two successive governments Berlusconi. The incorrigible
Thus Things standing (in those circumstances), I wonder and say: it is permissible and acceptable that the same Western countries that, for 42 years, have continually allowed to Gaddafi and his regime, remain in power in Libya - and where several different prime ministers and foreign ministers, until yesterday, they were literally elbowing, to try to get himself in "full regalia, from the Colonel, under the blazing tent (the traditional" guitun "Bedouin of the desert), hoping to trim some potergli stock of arms or simply to be able to obtain from him some favorable and "discounted" crude oil contract - let's pretend today did not know him, as if even the Colonel and his regime in question had suddenly jumped out of the hat of a magician? In addition, publicly rushing to "rend their garments, for his unacceptable behavior (..." is shooting its own people in revolt!) To refer to the International Tribunal (6) Hague for "crimes against humanity" to freeze all of its financial assets in Western banks (when, in fact, we shall return, was fine!) to invoke the "right of interference", for purposes "humanitarian", by sending warships to be able to intimidate and persuade you to resign and go into exile.
I honestly believe it is not at all acceptable, and unacceptable!
Not because, according to the United Nations Charter, all UN Member States (unless, of course, the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China, because - as permanent members of the Council safety and having the "right of veto" that other states have not - are "more equal" than others!) are also independent and sovereign, and as such - Libya (7) included - should at least be similarly respected as regards their internal affairs. But just for the proverbial commonplace and common sense!
There is right and "right" ...
To try to understand, however, what I'm looking forward to the unsuspecting, often forgetful and constantly manipulated and Forvo player of our time, let's imagine this simple hypothesis.
Suppose, by contradiction, that any boat rowing fleet Libyan military - in conjunction with the angry and destructive riots of underprivileged African-American populations of the cities of Atlanta, Denver, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, etc.. in the 60s (8) , '70, '80 or '90, in any event, largely repressed in blood by the police, National Guard and Army of the United States - had decided, perhaps just to browse or propose to distribute any gift basket to be in need of groped to approach the coast of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida or Louisiana, as the U.S. government would react? And how they would react, for their part, governments London and Paris, where the same boat rowing above - in simultaneity and timing with the dangerous and violent riots in the '80s, the black population of some "outskirts" (suburbs) or with those of Britain's cities much more angry and radical "banlieues" French 90s and 2000 - had decided to approach the coasts of these countries? All
shocked and outraged, however, in the West, by aggressive statements by the Libyan Leader (... "if I'm attacked, there will be a bloodbath!), When - following the riots and the fratricidal clashes taking place in Libya by February 17 last - the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, the helicopter carrier USS Kearsarge (with about 800 marines on board), the USS Ponce (chock full of ammunition and landing craft) and the USS Andrid (with several armored vehicles in the hold), the helicopter carrier Mistral French and the British frigate HMS Westminster (embarking MK 8 Lynx helicopters and several missile launchers) and HMS York (ditto), arbitrarily decide to position themselves in front of the Libyan coast, where military force to impose any ... " no-fly zones "(no take-off and / or overflight) on the territory of that State and / or to rescue the" humanitarian "or, at best, manforte military insurgents anti-Gaddafi.
Someone could argue: what would be abnormal in the behavior of those western countries? And above all the United States of America which, as everyone knows - from skilled, experienced and ultra-permanent "liberators" of the world - could not do anything else, for "humanitarian" reasons (sic), which interfere in the internal affairs of Libya which, as we know, not only reflects neither has ever observed the "Human Rights", but even allows you the luxury to shoot him to his own citizens in revolt!
This kind of arguments - even if the reader, most likely, it will certainly forget or, probably, will not even ever know - est simplement du déjà vu ...
I personally, for example (to mention only the most flagrant interference with U.S. military and known in the past 30 years), I've seen them use the "good "Washington, and in many different occasions. In particular: in Grenada, October 25, 1983, against the then lawful government of that island Caribbean, Nicaragua, between 1984 and 1990 - via the CIA and the Contras or Milicias Populares Anti-Sandinistas (MIPLAS) or Nicaraguan Fuerza Democrática (FDN) - against the then duly elected Sandinista government of the country in Panama December 23, 1989, against their ex-secret agent Manuel Noriega, his government and its army in Iraq, between August 2, 1990 (the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) and Operation Desert Storm (9) (17 January - 28 February 1991) against the former regime of Saddam Hussein in Somalia in 1992, with the Mission USA / NATO, "Restore Hope" in Serbia in 1999 - via the U.S. Air Force-Air-Force and NATO (including the Italian one) and the separatist Albanian UCK (Ushtria Çlirimtare and Kosovës) and the 'Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) - against the then government of President Milosevic / Milošević; in Afghanistan - from 11 September 2001 (the "providential "?... and, until now, never clear attack at the Pentagon and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York) (10) - against the government of the Taliban, ally of al-Qaeda, a situation which, in turn, provoked, October 7, 2001, NATO and the U.S. invasion of that country, which still continues ...; in Iraq, again (11), from March 20, 2003 with the military invasion and occupation of US / British & C. of that country, which is still ongoing.
short, as in a repetitive, monotonous and soporific script stage - and although strangely no one seems to notice or notice it - Western countries, as usual, are always the good guys and bad guys, always the "other"!
The cleaner has the itch
But then, I could rimbeccare: law, principles and international morality are, every time, put forward by States or by Western governments to justify their military interventions and systematic cyclical, correspond to what?
It 'easy to say ... In my opinion, the classic and legendary "fig leaf" behind which, every time, these states and governments - counting sull'invariabile "short memory" man in the street - constantly looking for to hide the numerous bombs and "skeletons" that continue to abound plentifully within their trimmed and horrifying "gardaroba!
The "good" in Washington
Take, for starters, the "moral" Americans ... That is, those "beautiful" and super-publicized people, officially above all suspicion, that the White House is self-grant Every day, the constant and blatant freedom to assign "points" on right and left. And, in surplus, it is also possible to issue coercive orders and directives, to this or that country, about what should be done, or do at home than others.
Well, in their case, it would also be interesting to know, why the press embedded in the world - that tends to constantly provide them with a newspaper and precious alibi public "straight" and "propriety" - prefer to hide at the same time, in the eyes of 'world public opinion, that whole series of outrageous and sickening legacies which are normally kept within the traditional "wardrobe" of these "gentlemen". Like those, for example:
of marauding criminals and mass murderers of more than 85 Indian Nations / Native Americans (about 6 / 7 million disappeared aboriginal in all), North America;
of repulsive and repugnant propagators of the modern "slave trade" (5 / 6 million Blacks kidnapped and forcibly imported from the coasts of Africa, with more than 3 million deaths over the trip to America);
of disgusting and insatiable gnomes jackals, in 1929, when the then-Wall Street stock market crash, did not hesitate at all to put on the street and destroy the existence of infinite multitudes of artisans , small businessmen and farmers, who casually leaving approximately 10 million of them, literally died of hunger or starvation, having been deliberately designed to be free sacrificed on the altar of liberalism and the sacrosanct their selfish and greedy interests of the usual international financial speculators;
of inventors and repulsive and disgusting application of "racial segregation (which the U.S. has consistently continued to assert rigorously applied to all 60);
promoters of disgusting and inflexible editors of hundreds of "concentration camps" for almost all of their own citizens of Italian, German and Japanese (between 3 and 4 million people of all ages, thought and provided that - even before the start of World War II - were arbitrarily arrestate, deportate nelle zone più desolate ed impervie del Paese e rinchiusi dietro ai fili spinati “democratici”, con morie generalizzate avvicinanti il 25-30% degli internati, dal 1941 a tutto il 1949-50, ed in certi casi fino al 1951-52, per il solo “crimine” di avere un’origine etnica e culturale diversa da quella anglo-sassone!); questo, senza contare i campi di concentramento (12) che gli USA hanno ultimamente allestito, nel loro attuale presente, per un prossimo eventuale futuro;
degli spietati e terroristici annientatori atomici di Hiroshima (140 mila morti) e di Nagasaki (70 mila morti) (13
) e degli oltre 3.500.000 civili spazzati via dai loro terrificanti ed impietosi raid Axis aircraft on the different European countries;
vulgar war criminals that they die of exhaustion and hunger, the war was over in France, over approximately 800,000 German prisoners (see, in this connection: James Bacque, "Morts pour diverses raisons, ed. Sand, Paris, 1990);
of uncivilized and inhuman rapists - between 1942 and 1945 - at least 17,000 women in English, French and German (in this regard, see: J. Robert Lilly, "Rapes of war ", Murcia, Milan, 2005);
of arrogant gangster military aggressors at least 62 States (14) independent in the world since the Second World War to the present;
cynics arrogant architects and more than 110 years of imperialism (15) wisely;
of swaggering delinquent and users of all weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, chemical) that are still on the market, including howitzers and piercing missiles and forged the deadly pollutant (for millennia) uranium "depleted" (sic);
of fearless and relentless executioners (the "property" of their victims, of course!) of at least 2 million North Koreans ; 3 million Vietnamese and Cambodians (including, with diossiona or "agent orange" ...), at least 250 000 Iraqi soldiers (during the War del Golfo, nel 1991) e più di 400 mila soldati e miliziani di Saddam Hussein nel corso della Seconda (2003-2004), senza contare lo spiacevole ed increscioso “danno collaterale” di più di 96.000 civili iracheni (quindi, assolutamente non combattenti) fatti sparire nel nulla, né quello di 500 mila bambini e neonati iracheni, lasciati cinicamente morire, dalla mancanza di medicine o dalla mal nutrizione, nel corso del vergognoso ed inammissibile embargo USA/UK/ONU contro quel Paese (1991-2003); il tutto, per un “banale” e macabro totale di all’incirca 1.421.993 morti (16) iracheni, tra il 2003 ed i nostri giorni; di almeno 2 milioni e mezzo di Afghani (tra combattenti e civili, includendo il deliberate war crime, U.S. 8,000 Taliban prisoners of war, an ethnic Pashtun, at Dasht-e Leili, 21 November 2001, and - among many others - the latest massacre of nine children (17), between 9 and 15, March 3 last year) and this, without taking into account the thousands of Serbs, the Somalis, Sudanese, Filipinos, Cubans, Nicaraguans of, the Costa Ricans, a Panamanian of Haitians, Colombians, Mexicans, of Dominicans, etc.., fallen under their bombs "liberating" the barbarian and brutal
creators and curators of the shameful secret CIA prisons (18), as well as hallucinatory and horrific concentration camp "out of national law" in Guantanamo, Abu-Ghraib, Mazar-i-Sharif, Diego Garcia e dell’insieme degli altri lucubri ed agghiaccianti luoghi di detenzione e di brutale e selvaggia tortura (19) che gli USA continuano a nascondere o dissimulare all’interno di diversi Paesi del mondo;
dei furfanteschi e schizofrenici autori e beneficiari del “Military Commission Act” del 2006 (tuttora in vigore), con il quale il Governo di Washington – in dispregio e beffa alla sua medesima Costituzione e alle diverse legislazioni nazionali del resto dei Paesi del mondo – può benissimo “perseguire o imprigionare sine die, qualsiasi persona designata ‘nemica” (in altre parole, chiunque, nel mondo, può essere arbitrariamente rapito o sequestrato, and deported, imprisoned and detained by U.S. intelligence as "illegal enemy combatant", not based on any shred of legal evidence, but only and exclusively for the U.S. government has arbitrarily and subjectively decided!)
of blatant shameful and occupiers and exploiters of a series of de facto colonies that the U.S. (who have always claimed that he had never owned!) continue to attract and retain the world, such as Guam, Northern Mariana, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Puerto Rico, Samoa Islands and the Eastern United States Virgin Islands (St. Thomas, Sainte-Croix and Saint-John) and the island of Diego Garcia (Ocean Indian) and the Hawaiian Islands, not to mention having 720 military bases worldwide (including more than 100, including military bases and installations and logistics US / NATO only in Italy!) And a number of countries "friendly" or "vassals "upon which the same U.S. exert a coercive influence and accurate political, economic, cultural and military, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Korea, Taiwan, Italy, Germany, Greece , Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and several countries of Central and Latin America.
With such a massive, "exciting" and not limited to curriculum, the United States of America can be objectively considered truly natural and privileged representatives of the sponsoring law, principles and morals? We see the British
not speak of their worthy and comparable "cronies" of all time: the British ... "Good Blood" (Imperial) does not lie!
Well, to take away the curiosity, we also investigate about the ordinary historical legacy that these "aristocratissimi", "moralissimi" and "flemmaticissimi" Dandys ... usually tend to conceal or mask their hidden and pestilential "cupboards"
wonder, then, if anyone, in the West Today, still remembers or has ever come to the attention of the process, for example:
of feral and brutal mass murderers of about 500 aboriginal tribes of Australia and almost all native of New Zealand (in all, at least four / 5 million people), not to mention Indian tribes / Native Americans in Canada (at least 1 million);
of the most heinous and brutal colonizers (along with French) and exploited the Third World, with 34,621,642 km square area 449,213,000 natives occupied and subjugated and oppressed colonies, of course, maintained until the end of 1948-1950 and in many cases up to 1967/68, not counting those who still possess ... as Northern Ireland, the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Aurigny and Sark on the French coast, the island of Anguilla, Bermuda archipelago off the coast opposite the U.S., North Atlantic, the Falkland Islands on the coast of Argentina; the Cayman Islands, Gibraltar in Spain, as well as the Isle of Man, the island of Montserrat, the islands of Chagos, Pitcairn Islands, the islands of St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan de Cunha, Sandwich Islands, the Turks and Caicos, the Virgin Islands - as Tortola, Anegada, Virgin Gorda, etc..;
of despots and tireless hardcore abusers - for centuries - the people Scottish, Irish and Welsh;
of cunning and interested inventors of modern piracy and, to that title, untiring and predators go unpunished, then the riches of the European maritime powers (with their main pirate, of course, honored and ennobled, then the British Crown!) repulsive
the establishment of the first mass deportations of their own populations at colonies overseas, to "solve" the liberal internal social problems of their country;
cynics and delinquent promoters of two Opium Wars (20) China (in the nineteenth century), with million deaths and untold destruction;
of the creators and managers, between 1899 and 1902, the first concentration camp in history, against the Boers in South Africa (See: Andrzej Kaminski, "The concentration camps from 1896 to today" - history, functions, types - Torino, Bollati Basic Books, 1997);
of the first "altruistic" and "disinterested" Carbonators of Kurds (about 22 000 deaths), by the early '20s, in northeast Iraq;
vicious killers of defenseless and martyred people of Dresden (thousand deaths than 50/60) and Hamburg (42,000 dead);
of sinister orripillanti applicators and initiators and apartheid and segregation, to the '90s;
of "civilized" and "forward-looking" inventors of the Bantustans;
of long-standing, criminal and tyrannical conquerors and exploiters of the people of South Africa, Rodhes, Zambia, Namibia, Tanzania, Botswana, India, Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Iraq, Bahrain, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Palestine, etc.. (Places, where even today, "thank you" to their intrigues of the past and their "benvegliante" historical presence, still struggling to restore some form of peace!).
However, these "gentlemen" would have the "gall" to stand up to censors and moralists of the bloody political and military repression of the Gaddafi regime against its opponents? Perhaps, as in the previous case, also reclamamdosi law, principles and morals? (...)
An attack on Italy?
And then, begins to rise to a very serious and very serious doubt. What, precisely, that it is precisely this bastard and delinquent West - United States and Great Britain in the lead! - Roguish to operate from behind the scenes, is the so-called "revolt" that the current Arab "insurgency" anti-Qaddafi in Libya.
As anyone can verify this perfectly well, in fact, after the brief, limited (and proof to the contrary) domesticated "revolutions" in Tunisia and Egypt, and their fast and silence "normalization" (21) - canonized immediately supported and guided by lightning in a series of characters known to be linked to financial cosmopolitanism internationally, as the French ministers, Christine La Garde (Economy and Finance) and Laurent Wauquiez (European Affairs), Tunis (February 22, 2011), the British Prime Minister David Cameron, Egypt (February 21, 2011), and the responsible European diplomacy, the Anglo-Saxon Catherine Ashton, in Cairo (February 22, 2011) and Tel-Aviv (February 23, 2011) - you begin to see the actual meaning and sense of improvisation and "spontaneous" wave of unrest since the month of December last year, continues to invest in some Arab countries. And, incidentally, to rule and to save others ... surprisingly - like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait - which, although it continues to demand insistently define "moderate Arab countries" (sic) - who knows ... maybe because of the consistent and lucrative royalties that they have a habit (or an obligation?) repayment under the counter to U.S. oil companies - are certainly much more medieval, reactionary and tyrannical than we are routinely singled out by the Media mainstream dell’Occidente.
Ho molto esitato, negli ultimi giorni, ad ipotizzare uno scenario di tipo complottista. Ma – dopo l’eliminazione ad hoc dei “fusibili” Ben Ali (in Tunisia) e Mubaraq, in Egitto (due stretti ed affiatati partner (22) (23) e la distribuzione a iosa (chissà da chi?), ai rivoltosi libici, delle complicate e difficilmente realizzabili (in casa o con artigianali mezzi di fortuna…) bandiere monarchiche, nuove di zecca – incomincio seriamente a sospettare che – da parte degli Stati Uniti (e di qualche loro immancabile ed indefettibile alleato, come la Gran Bretagna e, forse, anche della Francia) – ci sia la precisa and vicious desire to destabilize all the countries of the Mediterranean basin, for three main reasons:
1) power continue to dominate the Arab countries - far from them directly or indirectly controlled by means of costly, unstable unpresentable tyrants and puppets / butlers - with other more acceptable, more docile, less exorbitant and / or manipulated political figures and forms of State or Government, at their most stable and firmly feudalised;
2) cause of the huge and unsolvable problems to Italy and to some countries European Union (eg the difficulties ahead, for us Italians, to ourselves personally and directly in energy supply, presso i nostri abituali fornitori senza passare da Washington, e l’inevitabile moltiplicazione esponenziale dell’emigrazione di massa, dal Maghreb e dall’Egitto, in direzione delle sponde Nord del Mediterraneo), per impedire, da un lato, che il Governo di Roma possa continuare a diffondere il “cattivo esempio” della sua indipendenza energetica ad altri Paesi dell’Unione; dall’altro, per poter scongiurare che l’Europa-Nazione possa davvero vedere la luce e, in un prossimo futuro, diventare un’importante potenza politica, economica, culturale e militare, concorrente degli USA;
3) continuare a poter giustificare la presenza militare e logistica delle centinaia di basi USA e NATO in Europe and the Mediterranean, and to continue to cultivate the idea - among the fearful, weakened and devastated populations of our continent - the giant Europe to face the "enemy" Arab-Muslim world, has absolutely need to protect themselves by dwarf U.S. , is to collect and concentrate the attention of the faithful vassal states Europeans, on the sole and exclusive "danger" Iran, and to allow Israel to continue without hindrance its power quietly colonization of the occupied West Bank and to continue to militarily dominate the several States Arabs in his region, without having to be politically or morally obliged towards the public world, to accept the creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state, its borders.
What should Italy, immediately, to avoid being groped by passively "sink" the current U.S. strategy and possibly try to "checkmate" to destabilize those plans? If Italy was ruled by politicians are worthy of the name, the problem would not arise at all. Our country, for example, should, to try to protect injury, his self-decreed the suspension (even if temporary) by the UN and Europe, a pact the political, economic and military with Russia; break diplomatic relations with Washington and to the immediate and irrevocable send-off (48 hours of time to do the "baggage" and move out!) to its more than 100 military bases and installations and logistics that are headquartered in our country, from less than 66 years, to propose a political, economic and military power to the various States of the Mediterranean area, including neighboring Arab countries. And, finally, I strongly encourage all of the Mediterranean Sea coastal population of the municipality to reject categorically the presence, the anchor and the free roam of the military fleets of the States which are not geographically adjacent to this sea area.
Italy, unfortunately, as we know, the end of World War II, is "governed", for others, a series of cliques of castrated eunuchs and inhibited in yellow livery and gloves - in the majority, as the ranks of the opposition - prefer only continue to rank among the members of the traditional "party Amerikan" (bipartisan) and - despite the evidence cited above - to bow down submissively at the feet of their nauseating U.S. Masters, the better to try to win their sympathy and kindness, and receive, can be more docile and servile, their ritual "packages" on their shoulders, to be paid (and ... tip) of their ever industrious and diligent execution (controlled, of course!), their most unbearable, and opprobrious imperatives / coercive dictates.
Therefore, unless abrupt or sudden "miracles" or "miracles" - and while I sincerely hope to abide certainly wrong ... - no need to wait for better times for Italy in the coming months and years. And this, or whatever may be the outcome of the current "targeted" Arab or the next upheaval and uproar that will certainly continue to affect and troubled the different countries of the opposite sides of the Mediterranean.
photos (which The reader will find by consulting the links of this article, editor's note) come from the archive of private Mariantoni and portray him in a few moments of his past career as a journalist of the leading European newspapers, which led him to travel the length and breadth of scenarios countries now driven by the wind of revolt, interviewing numerous political figures, among them Gaddafi or his ministers, as it appears in some of the photos. Other pictures in small format and to the left, are the choice of drafting errors and do not involve the author. (Ed,)
(1) A neologism is composed of the Arabic word 'Jamah' (masses that occur or take to the streets) and the suffix 'Iya' (which indicates the affiliation or the relationship). This neologism can be interpreted to translate with: "The Thing" (Res) or "the system" or "the power of the masses" (moving). - Back to text .
(2) For the most part, Egyptians, Tunisians, Algerians, Moroccans, Mauritanians, the Sudan, Chad, Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Turks, Pakistanis, South Koreans, Filipinos, Nepalese, Russian, Serbian, Hungarian, Chinese, Maltese, with the strong presence of German, Italian, French, British, Americans, Canadians, Brazilians, etc.. Foreigners in these days we have seen physical massing of the border posts Ras Jedir (Tunisia) and As Sollum (Egypt).
(3) Tripolitania: the tribe or Orfella Warfalla (the largest) and those of Awlad Busayf, the Al-Zintan, or Rojaban Rijban of Al-and Al-Riain (the district of Bani Walid, approximately 125 km the south of Tripoli); Cyrenaica: the tribes of Al-Awagir, the Al-Abaydat, the Al-Barasso, of Madras, the Al-Fawakhir, the Al-Al-Majabra Zuwayya and (almost all linked to Muslim Brotherhood Al-Senussi) Sirte: the tribes of Al-Qaddadefa (the small tribe of Colonel Gaddafi) of Al-Magarha (the major tribe that owns the former number two in the Libyan regime, Commander Giallud Abdelsalam, da tempo uscito dalla scena politica), degli Al-Magharba, degli Al-Riyyah, degli Al-Haraba, degli Al-Zuwaid, degli Al-Guwaid e degli Al-Farjan; Fezzan: le tribù degli Al-Hutman, degli Al-Hassauna, con forti presenze di minoranze di nomadi Tubù o Toubou e Tuareg; Kufra: propagini importanti della tribù cirenaica degli Al-Zuwayya, frammiste a presenze di nomadi Tubù o Toubou.
(4) Si rinvia a:
(5) In particolare: Captains, Abdelsalam Giallud, Abdallah al-Mukhtar Qirwi, or Nagim Najim Mohammed, Hamza Awad, Abdel Moneim al-Huni, Mustafa al-Kharrubi, al-Khueldi al-Hamidi, Bachir Hawadi, Yunes Jaber Abu Baqr or Giaber, and Lieutenants and Omar al-Mohammed al-Mehaichi Maqrif.
(6) Court empowered to judge, condemn and punish all responsible for any country in the world, unless, of course, those of Israel and the United States!
(7) a member of the UN since 14 December 1955.
(8) Refer to:
- -aux-usa-partir de juillet 1964.
(9) For more information, see: A. B. Mariantoni, F. Oberson, Gli occhi bendati sul Golfo, Ed. Jaca Book, Milano, 1991. Consultabile on line:
(11) Il Regime di Saddam Hussein – in questo caso – essendo stato falsamente accusato di possedere ‘armi di distruzione di massa’ e di intrattenere ‘legami con Al-Qaeda’ ed ‘il terrorismo internazionale’.
(18) Per maggiori dettagli, vedere: Giulietto Chiesa, Francesco De Carlo, Giovanni Melogli, Le carceri segrete della CIA in Europa, Edizioni Piemme, Milano, 2007.
(20) In nome del “libero mercato”, siccome alcune imprese britanniche producevano l’oppio in India, convinsero il Governo di Londra a scatenare quelle guerre contro la Cina, con il pretesto che l’allora Beijing government, prevented his compatriots to take drugs and, therefore, to purchase from them this amazing product!
(21); inflamed-by-protests /. Artificial and misleading "revolutions" that have been personally confirmed to Hon. Dario Franceschini (PD) in Rome, by some Tunisian opposition figures who have come specifically in Italy, 23 February 2011. A witness that was made almost entirely passed over in silence by the mainstream media in our country.
(22) Bel Ali and Mubarak, in my opinion, would not not allowed, starting from their respective borders, we organize the military and political destabilization of Libya.
(23) The proof is, his hammering and (to our eyes) incorrect complaint every day against the terrorists of al-Qaeda that would, he said, drugging young Libyans and fomenting armed rebellion within some cities of Tripoli and Cyrenaica.
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