are small dumplings made with few ingredients, but greedy
;-) My friend Anna (China) to prepare on special occasions, served on the accompanying sauces, duck, fish eaten as a snack or just greedy.
I use them as a real bread, they are very quick to prepare, can also be frozen and then baked directly without the need to thaw!
You can cook and heat up later without losing their crispness, you use the green part of onions fresh, so a perfect short
short recycling more convenient than that!? Anna
usually prepares a little smaller than a flat bread ..
But I find that most are pretty small, I would say to bite ;-)
The more "stretch" more after cooking crispy ..
rule that I use, a little bit softer, more like bread crispy ..
We begin by removing the green part with fresh onions, chop it, then once the pasta is ready to make many loaves of bread that you put to rest for an hour, stretch, glazed with oil, sprinkle with onions and close giving the shape of small sausages rolled up forming a kind of rose ;-) They let rest for 10 minutes ..
Then with a rolling pin is pressed in the middle and you start to spread like a flat bread, your choice thickness.
is baked in a non-stick pan with oil.
350 grams of flour 00
pour boiling water little by little
6 tablespoons of sesame oil (I oil) 1 bunch
of fresh onions, green part only
with the flour, salt and water, prepare the dough should be soft and smooth appiccicoso.Mettetelo not to stand for an hour then proceed as described above.
When ready cook by pouring a little oil in a pan to serve pleasure!
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