I Tonnarelli in Lazio, Abruzzo Maccheroni alla chitarra ;-)
Spaghettoni as wide noodles but with much greater depth.
The dough is made with flour and 00 eggs for a long time then you work with a rolling pin that you pull the sheets are then passed on guitar ..
The trick to this step is not to sweat in your hand fabrication of the sheet even if you work the dough in KW then continue for at least twenty minutes working by hand, you will find that it will be much easier to roll out the dough and slip Tonnarelli away more easily from the strings ;-)
I received a gift of frozen artichoke hearts that were a show, I've made fried and crunchy were really delicious.
I prepared a sauce of fish and its background, dressed in the Tonnarelli served with artichoke hearts, very good indeed!
I've always been reluctant in the use of frozen artichoke hearts, I must say that I've changed my mind. Good
really comfortable and very versatile, I used them for an appetizer that I will publish later.
If you find them I suggest you try them.
Tonnarella ragout monkfish and crispy artichokes
For the dough 300 g flour 00
100 grams of wheat semolina flour 4 eggs
Artichoke Hearts frozen food (steamed rolled in wheat flour and fried)
monkfish confit tomatoes peeled
bottom (with cutouts of fish)
1 rib di sedano
1 scalogno
1 carota
4/5 pomodori maturi
1 spicchio di aglio
vino bianco
Preparare la pasta e mettere da parte.
Con i ritagli della pescatrice preparare il fondo. In una pentola far rorolare a fuoco alto le verdure( no aglio) insieme ai ritagli ,sfumare con vino bianco aggiungere i pomodori tagliati a pezzi coprire tutto a filo con acqua fredda,schiumare e ridurre il tutto a metà .
Tagliare a piccolo pezzi la polpa del pesce e tenere in fresco.
In una padella far dorare in olio lo spicchio di aglio ,aggiungere il fondo di pescatrice e ridurre tutto in una salsa vellutata.Tagliare i pomodori confit in una concassè aggiungerli at the bottom to keep them on low heat, cook the pasta drain only add to the fund now pour the fish fry for 2 minutes the fish will cook with the heat of the pasta.
Serve in the artichoke hearts, bring us little brown, you might firggerli while pasta is cooking!
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