are sweets dedicati ad un poeta finlandese Johan Ludvig Runeberg,tradizionalmente prepararti con mandorle, fette biscottate, biscotti,vengono poi imbevuti di rum(ma anche no ;-)farciti con marmellata di lamponi ,io di mritilli ;-) e sono di un buono pauroso.
Si usa prepararli dai primi di Gennaio sino al 5 di febbraio in occasione della celebrazione del compleanno del poeta ;-)
La loro forma tradizionale è questa..
Io mi sono divertita a prepararli anche con altri stampini ;-)
Se non volete usare una bagna alcolica usate quello che più vi piace.
Sono davvero buonissimi e devo dire che ultimamanete queste fette biscottate come ingrediente nei dolci mi stupisce sempre più ;-))
The recipe I made some myself and I must say it has succeeded very well.
125 g butter 1 egg
100 g sugar 100 ml cream lightly mounted
50 grams almond flour 60 grams of
rusks pulverized
110 grams of bread crumbs
30 grams of biscuits
200 grams of flour 1 teaspoon baking powder
raspberry jam or strawberry
For the white icing
Powdered sugar
lemon juice
me scratching the icing sugar with lemon juice to work quickly because they dry quickly, I suggest you prepare at the time of decorating cupcakes.
For wet
Use alcohol or soft drink syrup
burro.Montare Melt the cream and incorporate almonds, biscuits, flour and baking powder.
Beat the eggs with the sugar you get a mass that "writes" to add the melted butter and add the cream to the mixture.
Butter and spend some bread crumbs into molds to the edge, leaving space for the rise in cooking.
Place the dough in any form, helping with the handle a wooden spoon to form a hole in the center of each cake included a bit of jam, being careful not to overdo it otherwise everything will come out during cooking, cover with more dough.
Do not worry if the dough will seem a little bit so that should be supported.
Bake at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. Once cooked
will be soaked in syrup (they are good even without) rimmed with glaze inside which will then place the jam ;-)
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