's what I do at times when I peg away for one thing, if we talk of food even worse ..
Have you ever tried, as you prepare a dish, to think how to make it even more special accounts .. maybe throwing in odd, space materials, special foods, molds do not have that if I ever succeed, measurements and calculations per microgram in baking because it is così..insomma tutte queste cose per poi "sfornare" una bellissima pasta e fagioli? ;-)
Vi è mai capitato di guardare il vostro piatto e pensare,"ccidenti tutta sta fatica e avrei potuto usare i pelati! " ;-)
A me un sacco di volte,e questa è l'ennesima prova ;-)
Avevo in testa i ravioli bicolore e allora ok penso al colore per il primo impasto,cosa cè di meglio che prepararsi la clorofilla di spinaci ?
Ma nulla DEVO assolutamente usare quella perchè altrimenti non si può mica colorare..
Tralascio il metedo perchè è davvero un lavoro stupido se poi (dopo ,ovvio sempre dopo) ti accorgi che avresti ottenuto la setssa cosa with a natural food color as the colorofilla it provides no more taste to the mixture and as the natural color you have at home ;-))
But I'm glad you think?
Well the only two colors I can ottenre with a process that even the bravest of the Carthusians would have thought to put into practice, but since I'm not a Carthusian, but only one that sometimes there is more that I'm going to think?
Then, pull the dough clear then that color, then wet the edges slightly with a bit of egg white will go up and they step in the peeling, but do you remember what it means as you pull the dough to try to bring the edges to get this ..
And certainly my ravioli once "cup" should be two-tone right in the middle ;-) if not you know that stuff .. An effort
absurd waste of dough very long time .. etc etc.. then you know I do, because even with the chlorophyll cmq is finished I then add the mixture of natural dye obtained because the color did not convince me, I thought to pull the sheet clear of a larger size, then the colored smaller size, I made a brush stroke of clear egg white over the dough resting in the middle of the colored strip, past the peeling and voila, the two-color sheet obtained in a fast, easy and beautiful cmq also "cup" instead of half colorful pasta is in the center and sides so that clear ..
What's even more absurd is that I had already prepared ravioli colored (lilac and pink ;-)) so I repeat it enough, but my head is no way to daisy ;-)) Anyway if you want try to make it really simple natural dyes can be found in a well-stocked herbal medicine, I have homefried then filled with green apples in a pan with butter and sage ..
I added Petite Suisse ..
A drop of honey chestnut
For the pastry
200 grams of flour 2 eggs 3 if they are small
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 egg white to brush
Mix and let stand 30 minutes
To add the same amount of colored dye, because attention will fade during cooking so much ;-) regulator
Once the pasta is ready pull a clear sheet (17 cm) then the colored (10 cm) clear brush the pastry with egg white in the center of the dough then also colored, place the dough in the center colored that clear and I pull a car up to the mark 7 if you like thicker first stop. With a pastry rings
cut and fill your ravioli.
filling for ravioli
4 granny smith
1 box of Petite mixed with a little olive oil
sage butter
chestnut honey
Peel cut into diced apples, toss them in pan with butter and sage, leaving crisp, once your cold stuffed ravioli, each putting in a bit of apples, cheese and honey.
Pesto sauce for
anchovies (the amount secondo gusto) io ne ho messe 3 su 400 gr di pesto circa
Pistacchi tostati
Pinoli tostati
Sbucciate e sbollentate le fave in acqua bollente,conditele con un pò di sale olio fatele tostare in forno( 200° circa per 10 minuti) fino a quando saranno belle croccanti,mettetele ora nel mixer insieme ai pistacchi ,pinoli e basilico aggiustate di sale versate l'olio e montate sino a quando il pesto sarà pronto.
Condire i ravioli aggiungendo una spolverata di pepe..
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