Monday, May 17, 2010

Hate Waking Up With A Blocked Nose

Queens for a day ..

.. And for the second year ;-)
Exactly one year ago, the same feeling, that tightly wound cuddling, friendship of you before all ;-)) This year

  • and
  • Mindshare

  • organized the event, have been really invaluable in making us feel at the center of the scene. We only
    actresses, on the "stage" of
  • Theatre 7
  • -headed
  • that needs no introduction ..


    We were asked to "recite a script already written," but we revisited.
    The presentation of recipes related to our territory to our family, which had as an ingredient in the new product from Kraft LE creamy.
    From there, a lot of preparations wonderful ..
    The wonderful mess of the Elga Ferrara, artichokes with sauce Jade, the incredible goodness of sfomato Sara ..


    sciatt fritule of Daniel and Nadia ..


    Ie Sandra wonders ..


    The buffet for us, prepared by chef Marco Pirovano Theatre 7


    Messac equipment available for the realization of our dishes ..


    thoughts for us by the Kraft Moleskine found a beautiful room with a note of welcome ,un bellissimo erbe cutter firmato Paul Bocuse,la giacca da chef ..


    E il regalo più grade,l'averci fatto sentire ancora una volta delle vere regine..


    Siamo state ospiti dello Hyatt Hotel,albergo da sogno,la mia camera immensa ,calda e avvolgente,nel salottino abbiamo trovato frutta fresca e cioccolatini.
    La serata l'abbiamo conclusa al Trussardi Scala dove lo chef Berton ci ha "accompagnato" attraverso un percorso di sapori profumi davvero incredibili..

    Insomma una giornata "fatta di NOI" per NOI , grazie davvero grazie a Kraft a tutto lo staff di Mindshare a Sandra a Marco 7 of the theater!


    If you want to know more in June released an article on the event and for the moment Modern Kitchen sibirciate them too .. ;-))

  • Sandra

  • Paoletta

  • Valentina

  • Elga

  • Pippi

  • Barbara

  • Sara

  • Giada

  • Daniela

  • Francesca

  • Nadia

  • Adina

  • E infine la mia ricetta preparata con Le Cremose Kraft


    Devo dire che quello preparato al teatro 7 era un pò troppo morbido rispetto a quello che avevo gia fatto a casa,ma era cmq buonissimo ;-))

    400 gr di patate

    100 gr di montasio stagionato

    1 confezione di Le Cremose Kraft

    olio di oliva


    Faccio cuocere le patate in acqua una volta cotte le spelo,metto l'olio in una padella faccio scldare aggiungo le patate che rompo grossolanamente con una forchetta,taglio montasio I add the sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes and mix well add the creamy melt and leave everything well. I let it cook
    leaving to form a bottom crust first (20 minutes) then turn and continued in the same way on the other side, you will see form at the bottom of the oil, helping remove the excess with a lid before Serve , you get a "pancake" slightly crispy outside and soft inside, winter is accomapgna with polenta!


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