Those Piacenza to speak, which together with Culingiones'll never be able to replicate on Fb ;-( And since no one believed me when they assert that they are easy easy to prepare
;-) Here I have done tasks well well as a good schoolgirl photographing all the steps.
First you prepare the dough (oh well that no photos) extends and the circles are obtained (9 cm) with a pastry rings, take a bit of the filling is placed vertically in half, well above (only to slip by bottom) folds into the top so ..
Ora incominciano i passaggi piegate la sfoglia incominciando dalla Vs sinistra ,poi destra ,poi sinistra , destra così..
E ancora,sinistra ,destra, a questo punto sinistra e destra vanno avvicinati, e pizzicati insieme a formare "la codina" della Spiga così..
La Spiga finita ;-))
Una volta pronte le metterete ad asciugare..
Non ditemi che son difficili da preparare nèèèèèèèèèè ;-))
Come ripieno usate quello che più vi piace io I put what I have prepared.
Ccidenti maybe I'm starting to overdo the post? And then all carbohydrates sti .. mah! ;-)
EARS AND VEGETABLE PESTO cherry tomatoes (dry)
300 g of mixed vegetables, asparagus, peas and beans, cut and bleached without
cheese 1 tablespoon fresh
1 egg 2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes 2 bunches basil
1 clove garlic 2 tablespoons pine nuts 1 shallot
salt In a pan add the shallot soffrggere all vegetables, tomatoes, cook.
Once cooled add the whole egg, cheese, basil and pine nuts fitted with all the mixer without reducing cream, season with salt and refrigerate for a couple of hours, the stuffed Explain and season to taste
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