Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Long Can You Live With High Bilirubin

Massimo Bigarelli "in health care and budget policy (Supreme Court ruling)

Care Companions, Dear Comrades, you

around an important ruling of the Court of Cassation
establishes and reaffirms the right to treatment beyond 'the'
budgetary policy "that we live today in healthcare organizations. The

a cost-containment in health spending,
can not prevail over the right to health of citizens
patients in hospitals and the resignation of the patient must be decided only on the basis of assessments
"medical" and not yet
the criteria set by the "guidelines" in use in health facilities. The
stresses the Supreme Court annulled the acquittal of a doctor
accusation of manslaughter of a patient discharged, following the criteria
guidelines, after nine days, from a cardiac intervention
. With this decision, the Fourth Criminal Chamber of the Supreme
- 8254 ruling - upheld the appeal of the Prosecutor
the Court of Appeal of Milan, and the patient's family
died from being discharged too quickly, against the acquittal of Robert
G., Medical Hospital of Busto Arsizio
where Romildo B. was hospitalized June 9, 2004
for myocardial infarction. Underwent angioplasty with stent
application of a "doctor," was discharged after nine days,
June 18, since they are "asymptomatic and
stabilized. "But that night, had a new Romildo B.
failure and despite his wife and son he had been transported to hospital immediately
, already arrived in cardiac arrest.
If the man had not been discharged, is satisfied the legal expertise,
would easily survive the rapids that would
care received in the department. After the acquittal on appeal "because the fact
not a crime" thesis has not been shared by the Supreme Court upheld the complaint
that the prosecution and family members.

Massimo Bigarelli

How Long Can You Live With High Bilirubin

Massimo Bigarelli "in health care and budget policy (Supreme Court ruling)

Care Companions, Dear Comrades, you

around an important ruling of the Court of Cassation
establishes and reaffirms the right to treatment beyond 'the'
budgetary policy "that we live today in healthcare organizations. The

a cost-containment in health spending,
can not prevail over the right to health of citizens
patients in hospitals and the resignation of the patient must be decided only on the basis of assessments
"medical" and not yet
the criteria set by the "guidelines" in use in health facilities. The
stresses the Supreme Court annulled the acquittal of a doctor
accusation of manslaughter of a patient discharged, following the criteria
guidelines, after nine days, from a cardiac intervention
. With this decision, the Fourth Criminal Chamber of the Supreme
- 8254 ruling - upheld the appeal of the Prosecutor
the Court of Appeal of Milan, and the patient's family
died from being discharged too quickly, against the acquittal of Robert
G., Medical Hospital of Busto Arsizio
where Romildo B. was hospitalized June 9, 2004
for myocardial infarction. Underwent angioplasty with stent
application of a "doctor," was discharged after nine days,
June 18, since they are "asymptomatic and
stabilized. "But that night, had a new Romildo B.
failure and despite his wife and son he had been transported to hospital immediately
, already arrived in cardiac arrest.
If the man had not been discharged, is satisfied the legal expertise,
would easily survive the rapids that would
care received in the department. After the acquittal on appeal "because the fact
not a crime" thesis has not been shared by the Supreme Court upheld the complaint
that the prosecution and family members.

Massimo Bigarelli

Pinky The #### Star Free ####

Trattoria Moderna: sweet and sour pork with raisins and onions

Eccoci alla seconda puntata della nostra nuova rubrica " Trattoria Moderna ". La ricetta di oggi è stata fatta esattamente il giorno che il numero di Marzo di Cucina Moderna è entrato in Trattoria. La scena è più o meno questa. Aiuolik torna dal lavoro , parcheggia , prende la posta , entra in casa (pardòn! In Trattoria) e inizia a sfogliare la rivista . Saluta i suoi amati dogs and continues to browse the magazine ... So from a business and another, between one page and the other, the eye falls under the heading "In relax menu friends" and photo of a pork chop pork. The ingredients we are all (that's incredible!), The difficulty will be ' easy "time preparation 20 minutes plus time rest (I know, while doing the walk with her beloved dogs before!) and cooking 10 minutes. Ok, decided on dinner!

Ingredients (serves 4):
  • 4 pork chops
  • 4 small red onions
  • 30 gr.
  • raisins 1 bunch of parsley
  • extra-virgin olive oil salt to taste
for the marinade:
  • 1 clove garlic 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 2 teaspoons sugar 2 tablespoons white wine
  • 1 pinch nutmeg powder
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of clove powder
  • 1 pinch of ginger powder pepper
Note: here and there for blogs (especially Alex) our Aiuolik has always claimed not to like the taste of ginger. This statement is still true, but our Aiuolik also discovered that in fact it is a Odi et Amo, and then decided that in small doses can start using.

Preparation: Prepare
marinade for meat. Peel the garlic, chop finely and mix in a bowl with soy sauce, cornstarch, sugar, wine, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and ginger. Season the mixture with freshly ground pepper, put into a low, wide bowl and cook the chops for half an hour, turning occasionally in the marinade. Meanwhile Soften the raisins in a bowl of warm water.
Drain the raisins and dab with paper towel, peel the onions and cut spicchietti. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a frying pan, add the raisins and let the onion. Also add the meat with the marinade and cook it at flame, a few minutes on each side. Meanwhile, wash the parsley, dry, chop and then add it to the pan with the meat. Season again with salt and serve in individual dishes chops with onions and gravy.

as C ...
... ribs!