Volete sapere come nasce questo dolce e perche' si chiama cosi'?
Ora ve lo spiego.
Come sapete ero in Francia per le feste di Natale, in una piccola cittadina
Navarrenx name.
If you want to know where he is, look at the end of the post.
The day before leaving on a Sunday was gray, the other day and the time
'is very beautiful and pleasant climate, my cousin
Orietta and I wanted to make a cake.
But there were so few ingredients, 'the only sweet that we could do was roll the
with cream and berries.
And so 'we did it and I must say that it' really liked, I wanted
dedicated to this town that hosted us for a week, where we found ourselves
The people are very polite and excellent people seemed to be
at our house, all cheering in the streets without having ever known.
I have wonderful memories of this corner of paradise.
for cookie dough
here you will find the ingredients and the process step by step photographed
for the filling
ml. 250
cream icing sugar
jam and fresh strawberries for garnish
2 ferrero roches
we had no other.
for cookie dough
here you will find the ingredients and the process step by step photographed
for the filling
ml. 250
cream icing sugar
jam and fresh strawberries for garnish
2 ferrero roches
we had no other.
These are the ingredients of French
Put in a pan of fresh fruit with sugar icing and let dry
Abbiamo fatto questo perche' la frutta era acerba.
Montate la panna, non zuccherata
Aprite il rotolo e spalmate un velo di marmellata, noi avevamo quella di
Abbiamo messo 3/4 della panna e poi i frutti di bosco raffreddati.
arrotolate e ponetelo in un piatto da portata
Con la panna rimasta ricoprite il rotolo.
Con la forchetta fate delle linee verticali
sbriciolate 2 ferrero roches , meglio se avete cacao in polvere , date una
Ecco qui il final result.
Navarrenx is a town of 1,133 inhabitants French
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