le avete mai provate ad accostare a piatti salati?
Ad esempio con zucca,melanzane,funghi,agnello,lepre, game in general, fresh or dried pasta and more.
delicate crunchy texture, enhancing your dishes
;-) This time I wanted to combine saffron and wild boar.
The boar hunting and if not purchased at the butcher, it is best to marinate twice this will alleviate the smell of "wild" too intense.
In the first pour wine marinade less dense and without spices, throw it away after 24 hours the wine, put the boar in another container covered with excellent full-bodied wine with the spices, let it marinate for another 24 hours.
For the risotto this time I also used the veal marrow, but no wine or butter.
The dish I prepared for Customers appreciated
;-) I hope you like it too!
For the risotto (8 persons) 480
Rice Carnaroli
2 veal marrow (my were small)
veal stock
saffron infusion of Cascia left in stock at 70 degrees.
* 2 shallots braised
Parmigiano Reggiano (red cows 24 months)
Extra virgin olive oil in a pan pour a little oil heat add the chopped shallots braised and spinal Brown dolcemente fino a quando tutto sarà ben amalgamato,versare il riso far tostare aggiungere il brodo caldo versando anche quello con lo zafferano,portare a cottura una volta pronto mantecare con parmigiano.
* Scalogni brasati,in una pentola rosolare gli scalogni con un pò di olio sfumare con un pò di Porto aggiungere il brodo cuocere fino a quando risulteranno molto morbidi.
Polpa di cinghiale (ne ho messo 40 gr circa per ogni piatto)
Vino per la marinata (ho usato Barolo)
bacche di ginepro
pepe nero in grani
1 bay leaf 2 cloves
1 teaspoon tomato paste
I put a lard if you do not like to leave it out.
The night before I put it to marinate the meat with Barolo and carrot, celery, onion, rosemary, bacchecche juniper, black pepper, bay leaf, cloves and garofano.Il next day I drained the meat, removing the chopped vegetables and put into a crock pot along with chopped bacon and olive oil, added to boar cut into small pieces have browned and then added to the concentrate dissolved in a little hot soup, I let it cook covered for 10 minutes. After the interval I
aggiungto Barolo boiling, covered and cooked per circa 4 ore a fuoco lentissimo.
Servire il risotto all'onda aggiungendo il ragù di cinghiale e una spolverata di fave di cacao
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