Ve lo ricordate?
Chi ha la mia età di sicuro ;-)
Ho voluto associare a questo ULTIMO post un'immagine allegra anche se di allegro cè poco in verità..Si ultimo ,perchè da oggi La Mercante di Spezie chiude i battenti!
Non ho più voglia di tenere in piedi una cosa che non mi diverte più.
Ho iniziato 4 anni fa solo per scherzo,allora eravamo in poche ad avere un blog di cucina,poco considerate un pò da tutti, piano piano siam cresciute ;-) Tutti hanno inziato a parlare del fenomeno food blogger's dalla stampa,ai critici enogastronomici ecc..ecc.
Mi sono divertita un sacco,ho avuto tante splendide opportunità,ho conosciuto persone fantastiche.
In recent years I have tried to convey some of my passion to all the people who daily went to read them.
Today, many blogs are indeed many, I went back to work and I have more time to pass by almost anyone, and this has become a problem.
problem, because today it seems that if we do not comment on right or you miss the shots you. Enter
inevitably become part of the "circle of those who believe themselves to be" and what you dislike.
Too many words spent on something that does not exist.
I've never published a post to get 100 comments, I've never published a post thinking it would take me somewhere, I published for the sake of sharing.
I've written a lot about myself, My family, my life perhaps too
;-) I've always written with heart and passion.
I've always been myself for better or for worse. Today
top of all that had very little is left and I did not enjoy myself more, are more criticism, mind you that I certainly appreciated if done in a straightforward manner.
.. and what you dislike.
People .. do not worry if you do not walk to comment ..
to find that they do not even greet you write more precisely the opposite reason!
.. and what you dislike.
Several times during these four years I left for a time, it is precisely the stove, I wonder what good writing posts trying to explain this or that, even if he comes to understand that those who have read the post of the day in truth he looked just the pictures ..
.. and continue to think that less and less what you like!! How
says one of my dearest friend (as I define it? ;-))
to keep a blog and continue the fun it takes a good portion of selfishness ..
that I obviously have not!
prefer to close here, the rest do not go to war will not disappear I will continue to write about recipes, but not here.
will share only with those who truly have the pleasure of sharing. Moreover
with friends you meet every day and
I mie corsi continueranno,il mio lavoro di Personal Chef anche,insomma mando solo in vacanza il blog non la mia vita ;-))
Voglio ringraziare tutte ma proprio tutte le persone che in questi anni mi hanno seguito,che mi hanno dato tante opportunità,che mi hanno voluto bene,che mi hanno seguito,criticato.
Amiche che ho conosciuto di persona che mi hanno aperto la loro casa,con cui ho condiviso tantissime cose GRAZIE GRAZIE GRAZIE !!!
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