Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Series Number Vages 7.0

Mesciu ..

Mesciùa che in dialetto ligure significa mescolata,è una buonissima zuppa spezina composta da legumi e cereali.
Si racconta che le mogli dei lavoratori portuali,i giorni dell'arrivo in porto di navi che trasportavano granaglie correvano per raccogliere tutto ciò che cadeva dai sacchi e con quel poco che avevano raccimolato prepraravano questa buonissima minestra.
Grano, ceci ,fagioli cannellini e alle volte anche grano saraceno,un giro di olio ligure a crudo, pepe macinato fresco e la magia sarà nel vostro piatto ;-)


Tomorrow I will be once again in Liguria, this time not for pleasure but for work and thank
  • hospitality, I decided to post this recipe.
    If you do not even know this school do yourself a stroll through their site and take a 'look at their courses, are so many! Faren
    I wanted a version a bit more "dry" using fish ..


    cooked in cooking oil .. a wonder indeed!
    Now I greet you I'll see you next week!

    THE Mesciu


    100 g di ceci
    100 g di cannellini secchi
    300 g di farro
    olio extravergine d`oliva
    sale e pepe

    *Brodo di verdure se gradite un sapore più deciso

    Mettere a bagno per 12 ore in un recipiente i fagioli cannellini,i ceci e il farro insieme in un altro .Mettete sul fuoco una pentola con sale e portatela a bollore,versate i ceci e il farro.
    Dopo mezz'ora in un'altra pentola con acqua salata portet a cottura i fagioli.
    Una volta che i fagioli saranno cotti versateli con tuta l'acqua nella pentola dei ceci e farro,fate cuocere insieme per una decina di minuti,servite caldo con olio e pepe.
    * Potrete variare usando per la cottura del brodo di verdure,oppure add to the cooking water thyme, garlic and bay leaves or sage.


    Mesciu cooked and drained (keep some stock in hot) Prawns

    cuttlefish (cut julienne), Fresh ginger

    orange thyme celery (cut into julinne end end)

    Extra virgin

    Mesciu Once the broth is ready leave it in the last school.
    add the oil in a saucepan and bring to 65 ° turn off the heat (use a thermometer) Pour the fish, ginger, thyme and celery, Once the oil is cold, repeat this operation to the point of cooking that you liked.
    To keep the oil in my right grade without having to repeat the process each time to bring it back up to temperature, it would be appropriate to use a plate induction, but do not worry turn out well even with a simple cooking thermometer.
    When ready remove the fish oil and dab gently lay on Mesciu you've drained, season with perfumed oil, add a little celery, pour a little hot broth of Mesciu, add pepper and serve!

    Series Number Vages 7.0

    Mesciu ..

    Mesciùa che in dialetto ligure significa mescolata,è una buonissima zuppa spezina composta da legumi e cereali.
    Si racconta che le mogli dei lavoratori portuali,i giorni dell'arrivo in porto di navi che trasportavano granaglie correvano per raccogliere tutto ciò che cadeva dai sacchi e con quel poco che avevano raccimolato prepraravano questa buonissima minestra.
    Grano, ceci ,fagioli cannellini e alle volte anche grano saraceno,un giro di olio ligure a crudo, pepe macinato fresco e la magia sarà nel vostro piatto ;-)


    Tomorrow I will be once again in Liguria, this time not for pleasure but for work and thank
  • hospitality, I decided to post this recipe.
    If you do not even know this school do yourself a stroll through their site and take a 'look at their courses, are so many! Faren
    I wanted a version a bit more "dry" using fish ..


    cooked in cooking oil .. a wonder indeed!
    Now I greet you I'll see you next week!

    THE Mesciu


    100 g di ceci
    100 g di cannellini secchi
    300 g di farro
    olio extravergine d`oliva
    sale e pepe

    *Brodo di verdure se gradite un sapore più deciso

    Mettere a bagno per 12 ore in un recipiente i fagioli cannellini,i ceci e il farro insieme in un altro .Mettete sul fuoco una pentola con sale e portatela a bollore,versate i ceci e il farro.
    Dopo mezz'ora in un'altra pentola con acqua salata portet a cottura i fagioli.
    Una volta che i fagioli saranno cotti versateli con tuta l'acqua nella pentola dei ceci e farro,fate cuocere insieme per una decina di minuti,servite caldo con olio e pepe.
    * Potrete variare usando per la cottura del brodo di verdure,oppure add to the cooking water thyme, garlic and bay leaves or sage.


    Mesciu cooked and drained (keep some stock in hot) Prawns

    cuttlefish (cut julienne), Fresh ginger

    orange thyme celery (cut into julinne end end)

    Extra virgin

    Mesciu Once the broth is ready leave it in the last school.
    add the oil in a saucepan and bring to 65 ° turn off the heat (use a thermometer) Pour the fish, ginger, thyme and celery, Once the oil is cold, repeat this operation to the point of cooking that you liked.
    To keep the oil in my right grade without having to repeat the process each time to bring it back up to temperature, it would be appropriate to use a plate induction, but do not worry turn out well even with a simple cooking thermometer.
    When ready remove the fish oil and dab gently lay on Mesciu you've drained, season with perfumed oil, add a little celery, pour a little hot broth of Mesciu, add pepper and serve!

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Cervical Mucus Gushed Out One Week Before Period

    crazy crazy ..

    Well this water it is in truth a little, but not so so if we think of Bouillabaisse, a typical fish soup from Marseilles ..
    Water mad typical Neapolitan preparation for cooking fish is a recipe for a disarming ease, but of absolute goodness
    ;-) I found the market a fresh and beautiful diamond, and the initial idea was just to cook it all ' crazy water.
    But once I returned home I found a package in the kitchen, I support my Pescioni, open e.. Zafffffff an indescribable scent, spices spices spices and again, all of them coming from the UAE and the author of this expedition could not that being a
  • 'Araba Felice ;-))
  • .
    A small glass amphora has immediately attracted my attention, I knew what it contained, Saffron, was a moment .. will know for sure just tell me if it is not capiato to you to use this mindset, to a product that "if it is not surely know a little Italian! !! " ;-) It happened to me several times, but in this case I had to totally change my mind, perfumed and fragrant, very good good good, thanks Stephen! Anyway
    Diamond spectacular fragrant saffron, it was a moment I immediately thought of some crazy water pistil scented goodness you know?
    Then while cleaning the fish fillet with tomatoes, I thought about what I found online about this ancient recipe, add some whole tomatoes, others no onion, some cooking in the oven and who will add some white wine, wine I do not know when I read because I thought Saffron Pernod + = Siiiiiiiiii ;-)) But glad I thought "why not use water like crazy broth? ?
    And the ravioli arrived alone!
    I thought of the crazy water cook the turbot Perondi and saffron, then use the pulp scented and flavored as a filling for ravioli, which I then served so ;-)) Result
    really fantastic!



    For ravioli

    Sfglia 400 g 00 flour 4 eggs Filling

    the pulp of a diamond

    Dill (blanched in boiling water)

    1 potato (steamed)

    Grana Padano

    salt fish soup Cook the ravioli

    For water crazy

    cuttings roar

    10 peeled tomatoes (I used the Piccadilly) hold it by one half

    saffron pistils

    a glass of Pernod

    1 shallot

    1 clove of garlic Extra virgin

    Clean and fillet turbot keep from waste.
    Finely chopped dill with the flesh of the turbot and potatoes, add the breadcrumbs add salt to keep cool.
    now preparing the dough with flour and eggs, you rest for half an hour then roll the dough and cut out the shape on each quandrato put a bit of filling. Prepare now
    crazy water in a pan add some oil and a clove of garlic, shallot split in two, remove from the pan once browned, add the scraps of brown diamond blend well with the Pernod, add the tomatoes Pour hot water with saffron and cook for about 35 minutes, skimming often, once the emergency passed through a sieve without crushing, put clean water in a saucepan bring to a boil add the other tomatoes off and keep warm.
    Cook the dumplings in fish broth drain, put a little water crazy in every dish, add the ravioli and serve!


    Cervical Mucus Gushed Out One Week Before Period

    crazy crazy ..

    Well this water it is in truth a little, but not so so if we think of Bouillabaisse, a typical fish soup from Marseilles ..
    Water mad typical Neapolitan preparation for cooking fish is a recipe for a disarming ease, but of absolute goodness
    ;-) I found the market a fresh and beautiful diamond, and the initial idea was just to cook it all ' crazy water.
    But once I returned home I found a package in the kitchen, I support my Pescioni, open e.. Zafffffff an indescribable scent, spices spices spices and again, all of them coming from the UAE and the author of this expedition could not that being a
  • 'Araba Felice ;-))
  • .
    A small glass amphora has immediately attracted my attention, I knew what it contained, Saffron, was a moment .. will know for sure just tell me if it is not capiato to you to use this mindset, to a product that "if it is not surely know a little Italian! !! " ;-) It happened to me several times, but in this case I had to totally change my mind, perfumed and fragrant, very good good good, thanks Stephen! Anyway
    Diamond spectacular fragrant saffron, it was a moment I immediately thought of some crazy water pistil scented goodness you know?
    Then while cleaning the fish fillet with tomatoes, I thought about what I found online about this ancient recipe, add some whole tomatoes, others no onion, some cooking in the oven and who will add some white wine, wine I do not know when I read because I thought Saffron Pernod + = Siiiiiiiiii ;-)) But glad I thought "why not use water like crazy broth? ?
    And the ravioli arrived alone!
    I thought of the crazy water cook the turbot Perondi and saffron, then use the pulp scented and flavored as a filling for ravioli, which I then served so ;-)) Result
    really fantastic!



    For ravioli

    Sfglia 400 g 00 flour 4 eggs Filling

    the pulp of a diamond

    Dill (blanched in boiling water)

    1 potato (steamed)

    Grana Padano

    salt fish soup Cook the ravioli

    For water crazy

    cuttings roar

    10 peeled tomatoes (I used the Piccadilly) hold it by one half

    saffron pistils

    a glass of Pernod

    1 shallot

    1 clove of garlic Extra virgin

    Clean and fillet turbot keep from waste.
    Finely chopped dill with the flesh of the turbot and potatoes, add the breadcrumbs add salt to keep cool.
    now preparing the dough with flour and eggs, you rest for half an hour then roll the dough and cut out the shape on each quandrato put a bit of filling. Prepare now
    crazy water in a pan add some oil and a clove of garlic, shallot split in two, remove from the pan once browned, add the scraps of brown diamond blend well with the Pernod, add the tomatoes Pour hot water with saffron and cook for about 35 minutes, skimming often, once the emergency passed through a sieve without crushing, put clean water in a saucepan bring to a boil add the other tomatoes off and keep warm.
    Cook the dumplings in fish broth drain, put a little water crazy in every dish, add the ravioli and serve!


    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Wedding Guest Seating Arrangements Board

    Katmer, Hashasli passing by .. ;-)) Mushrooms

    Now why the passion for the turkish bread is well known and the more I discover new, more apassiono.Anche me this recipe is part of Turkish cuisine, but if you find a ride on the Internet that between Katmer (remember?) Borek are Turks, the kadi and the r'zzat Mhajebs M'semmen & North African cuisine, Hashasli (the recipe for today) the famous Baklava, there's really little difference.
    dough made of water, flour, almost always senza uova ,poco lievito,tirato molto sottile,spennellato o imbevuto di sciroppo al miele per le preparazioni dolci,sfogliato generalmente per le salate,ma tutti indistintamente buonissimi e non difficili da preparare.
    Oggi vi parlo delle Hashasli,con lo stesso impasto si preparano le due versioni dolce e salata,per capire meglio il passaggio su come arrotolare la pasta guardate
  • QUI
  • è spiegato davvero bene ;-)

    Versione dolce..


    Si prepara l'impasto e si tira molto sottilmente..


    Si spennella di burro e si versano i semi di papavero..


    Si piega a metà..


    Poi con le dita si sposta la pasta in avanti in modo da ottenere questo (guardate il lik e capirete meglio ;-)) )


    Prendete ora la pasta e iniziate ad arrotolarla su se stessa in modo da formare un torciglione che piegherete a metà..


    Arrotolatelo dando questa forma..


    Si spennella di burro si lascia riposare si cuoce in forno a 200° una volta cotto si ricopre di miele caldo.


    La versione salata..


    Roll out the dough very thin, stuff it at will roll ..


    Turn it on himself ..


    With a rolling pin roll it out but not too much ..


    This is baked in a pan with a little oil is ready when browned and crispy.



    400 gr white flour 300 g semolina
    end (I used the Senator)

    150 grams of warm water


    milk 3 tablespoons 1 teaspoon oil

    di sale

    1 cucchiaino di zucchero

    2 cucchiani di lievito di birra

    1 uovo

    Impastate tutto aggiungendo i liquidi poco alla volta,dovrte ottenere un impasto liscio e morbido,mettet a riposare per un'oretta circa.
    Formate poi tante palline (circa 10) iniziate a stenderle con il mattarello spennelate ogni cerchio con olio e buro sciolti in parti uguali,versate sopra miele e semi di papavero se li volete dolci,altrimenti farciteli come più vi piace se li volete salati,chiudete spennellate con un pò di olio e burro e cuocete,i dolci in forno a 200# fino a doratura i salati in padella con un filo di olio!

    Wedding Guest Seating Arrangements Board

    Katmer, Hashasli passing by .. ;-)) Mushrooms

    Now why the passion for the turkish bread is well known and the more I discover new, more apassiono.Anche me this recipe is part of Turkish cuisine, but if you find a ride on the Internet that between Katmer (remember?) Borek are Turks, the kadi and the r'zzat Mhajebs M'semmen & North African cuisine, Hashasli (the recipe for today) the famous Baklava, there's really little difference.
    dough made of water, flour, almost always senza uova ,poco lievito,tirato molto sottile,spennellato o imbevuto di sciroppo al miele per le preparazioni dolci,sfogliato generalmente per le salate,ma tutti indistintamente buonissimi e non difficili da preparare.
    Oggi vi parlo delle Hashasli,con lo stesso impasto si preparano le due versioni dolce e salata,per capire meglio il passaggio su come arrotolare la pasta guardate
  • QUI
  • è spiegato davvero bene ;-)

    Versione dolce..


    Si prepara l'impasto e si tira molto sottilmente..


    Si spennella di burro e si versano i semi di papavero..


    Si piega a metà..


    Poi con le dita si sposta la pasta in avanti in modo da ottenere questo (guardate il lik e capirete meglio ;-)) )


    Prendete ora la pasta e iniziate ad arrotolarla su se stessa in modo da formare un torciglione che piegherete a metà..


    Arrotolatelo dando questa forma..


    Si spennella di burro si lascia riposare si cuoce in forno a 200° una volta cotto si ricopre di miele caldo.


    La versione salata..


    Roll out the dough very thin, stuff it at will roll ..


    Turn it on himself ..


    With a rolling pin roll it out but not too much ..


    This is baked in a pan with a little oil is ready when browned and crispy.



    400 gr white flour 300 g semolina
    end (I used the Senator)

    150 grams of warm water


    milk 3 tablespoons 1 teaspoon oil

    di sale

    1 cucchiaino di zucchero

    2 cucchiani di lievito di birra

    1 uovo

    Impastate tutto aggiungendo i liquidi poco alla volta,dovrte ottenere un impasto liscio e morbido,mettet a riposare per un'oretta circa.
    Formate poi tante palline (circa 10) iniziate a stenderle con il mattarello spennelate ogni cerchio con olio e buro sciolti in parti uguali,versate sopra miele e semi di papavero se li volete dolci,altrimenti farciteli come più vi piace se li volete salati,chiudete spennellate con un pò di olio e burro e cuocete,i dolci in forno a 200# fino a doratura i salati in padella con un filo di olio!

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Dental Home Cleaning Set

    new lessons and new ;-))

    Passata l'estate between PS, medicines and treatments, my husband wanted to take a nice vacation in pneumonia, returned to beautiful white house, we decided to spend the last days of recovery (he) ;-) in the mountains.
    And since the early days were not really say summer, I put the boots away and the woods ..
    is rumored to be a vintage year for fungi crazy
    else do you believe it? Especially after I found a little chap like this weight of 370 gr ??;-))
    In truth I only found this, just right for two plates of noodles.
    are now 4 days that is not raining, we went home but we are ready with basket in hand, the first we con la pioggia si replica ;-)
    Riprendo in mano il blog con un piatto di pasta ,in verità non a caso,vi avevo lasciato parlandovi di importanti novità(almeno per me ;-)) e ritorno scrivendovi della prima.
    A fine mese esattamente a Genova il 30 Settembre ore 20 oppure 1 Ottobre ore 11 e/o ore 20 presso la scuola di cucina
  • terrò lezioni sulle forme della pasta,se volete maggiori informazioni e dare uno sguardo ai vari corsi presenti cliccate
  • QUI
  • . Ci saranno altri corsi sparsi un pò qua un pò là,vi aggiornerò via via.
    Se vi interessa avere i mie corsi dalle vostre parti,vi basterà scrivermi per indicarmi l'eventuale structure where you can organize classes, take the broom and join you ;-))
    For the moment you look at Genoa ;-)



    NOODLES 400 grams of flour 00 g semolina 50

    Senatore Cappelli

    5 eggs (mine were tiny)

    Saffron powder (if you have used too much in the bag) 2 tablespoons dripping


    Dissolve saffron in the casting.
    Mix the flour with the eggs, add the casting mix well, let stand la pasta per 30 minuti,tirate la sfoglia e tagliate le tagliatelle le mie erano un pò più strette rispetto alla misura solita.Mettete ad asciugare


    370 gr di fugnhi porcini (quello avevo ;-))

    1 fetta di guanciale

    1 broccolo sbollentato

    1 spicchio di aglio vestito

    fondo di vitello (se non lo avete usate del brodo)

    1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco

    Polvere di pomodoro

    farina di mandorle


    olio extra


    In una padella fate soffriggere leggermente l'aglio toglietelo aggiungete il guanciale fate cuocere will not be until crisp, remove from the pan and blend the sauce with white wine delcolizzare you add the broccoli and mushrooms, pour a couple of cucchai bottom (or broth) brought to cooking, mushrooms and broccoli should be "crunchy" is not troppo.Una so let them cook the noodles are cooked when a sauté pan served in little dishes by adding the crispy bacon, a little pepper if you like and still a matter of casting.
    It 's a dish I serve without cheese, I sprinkled the plate with tomato powder and ground almonds.