second ... Philippe Daverio.

Born in Alsace to an Italian father and French mother, then of choice with Milan at Bocconi university. In Milan, it was art dealer, bookseller, publisher, councilor for culture from '93 to '97, then with a university professor teaching in Milan and Palermo, specializing in Italian art of the twentieth century. Let's talk about Philippe Daverio, best known as a conductor (and bow accent unmistakable) of transmission "Passepartout" (Raitre on every Sunday at 13.20), one of the few reasons to pay fees Rai.
The link between wealth was in the '500 and love for the arts can be compared to the investment of many manufacturers now purchase works of art?
"Not talking about it. Because at the time of Palladio, this was the winning side of the world, now is the part that is peripheralization. The upper class in power was an educated class, which does not exist today. "
But who decides whether a work is of value?
"For the architecture often decides the popular support for the visual arts today is no longer the relationship with the client, is only one thing related to business. Financiers decide six or seven, five or six promoters, and the rest of the auction houses, for high prices. For people following the low prices (the market for high-note) in terms of emulators, if an exploit in Paris Lucian Freud at 80 million, Montecatini pull up the local artist in 8000 €.
But this commodification of art is an irreversible process?
"No, because after the investment phase and purchase at high prices, cycles that last forty years, the art continues to own the streets. Then add in the margins "The rich is happy when he spends so much money. The Russians are happy, while the Americans also want to earn. The Russians are more sympathetic. "
Arts and economics intersect also in the globalization issue. While the local artist is cheap, the quality of local produce, meats from the Veneto wines that adorn the table in front of us, is worth a lot. But the ham, transport, deteriorates, we see ourselves. "But the art! It decontextualizes, it ruins ... "replies Davenport. Moreover, as noted during his lecture, now the architecture is not built to last, but for "real estate", real estate investment to be amortized. Even the art is. Indeed people live in increasingly non-places: outlet, houses the result of shoddy construction.
The latter may in future urban structures become stable, aesthetically valid and cured?
"No, because they have an identity, are 'junk spaces'. Perhaps it is the destiny of humanity, but is not the problem of neocostruzioni. I am not able to generate an aesthetic, because the material does not last. The rest are not made to last and are replaced by structures daughters aesthetics of the moment. It does not even later age, because they do not leave the samples, but how did the Greek society. Difficult are copied in future public housing on the outskirts of Sofia and Milan. The new challenge is to balance ecological design the decline, do not create ecological trouble. Dismantle and reconstruct buildings mean wasting resources. It will be an increasingly topical theme: Create lasting items rather than use throw-away, from a low cost on time but the high cost to the community. And the same goes for food: it is better to consume local products. " How much optimism ...
"The risk that our society collapses is very high. However I imagine that humanity can get along. The problem is that plastic bottle you see on the table for up to here has consumed more oil than consumed to set up the rest of the refreshment. "
Written in collaboration with EB
Published in Corriere Vicentino "of May 31, 2008 .
Published in Corriere Vicentino "of May 31, 2008 .
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