Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Intitle: Live View / - Axis


second ... Philippe Daverio.

Born in Alsace to an Italian father and French mother, then of choice with Milan at Bocconi university. In Milan, it was art dealer, bookseller, publisher, councilor for culture from '93 to '97, then with a university professor teaching in Milan and Palermo, specializing in Italian art of the twentieth century. Let's talk about Philippe Daverio, best known as a conductor (and bow accent unmistakable) of transmission "Passepartout" (Raitre on every Sunday at 13.20), one of the few reasons to pay fees Rai.

The link between wealth was in the '500 and love for the arts can be compared to the investment of many manufacturers now purchase works of art?
"Not talking about it. Because at the time of Palladio, this was the winning side of the world, now is the part that is peripheralization. The upper class in power was an educated class, which does not exist today. "
But who decides whether a work is of value?
"For the architecture often decides the popular support for the visual arts today is no longer the relationship with the client, is only one thing related to business. Financiers decide six or seven, five or six promoters, and the rest of the auction houses, for high prices. For people following the low prices (the market for high-note) in terms of emulators, if an exploit in Paris Lucian Freud at 80 million, Montecatini pull up the local artist in 8000 €.
But this commodification of art is an irreversible process?
"No, because after the investment phase and purchase at high prices, cycles that last forty years, the art continues to own the streets. Then add in the margins "The rich is happy when he spends so much money. The Russians are happy, while the Americans also want to earn. The Russians are more sympathetic. "
Arts and economics intersect also in the globalization issue. While the local artist is cheap, the quality of local produce, meats from the Veneto wines that adorn the table in front of us, is worth a lot. But the ham, transport, deteriorates, we see ourselves. "But the art! It decontextualizes, it ruins ... "replies Davenport. Moreover, as noted during his lecture, now the architecture is not built to last, but for "real estate", real estate investment to be amortized. Even the art is. Indeed people live in increasingly non-places: outlet, houses the result of shoddy construction.
The latter may in future urban structures become stable, aesthetically valid and cured?
"No, because they have an identity, are 'junk spaces'. Perhaps it is the destiny of humanity, but is not the problem of neocostruzioni. I am not able to generate an aesthetic, because the material does not last. The rest are not made to last and are replaced by structures daughters aesthetics of the moment. It does not even later age, because they do not leave the samples, but how did the Greek society. Difficult are copied in future public housing on the outskirts of Sofia and Milan. The new challenge is to balance ecological design the decline, do not create ecological trouble. Dismantle and reconstruct buildings mean wasting resources. It will be an increasingly topical theme: Create lasting items rather than use throw-away, from a low cost on time but the high cost to the community. And the same goes for food: it is better to consume local products. " How much optimism ...

"The risk that our society collapses is very high. However I imagine that humanity can get along. The problem is that plastic bottle you see on the table for up to here has consumed more oil than consumed to set up the rest of the refreshment. "

Written in collaboration with EB
Published in Corriere Vicentino "of May 31, 2008

Intitle: Live View / - Axis


second ... Philippe Daverio.

Born in Alsace to an Italian father and French mother, then of choice with Milan at Bocconi university. In Milan, it was art dealer, bookseller, publisher, councilor for culture from '93 to '97, then with a university professor teaching in Milan and Palermo, specializing in Italian art of the twentieth century. Let's talk about Philippe Daverio, best known as a conductor (and bow accent unmistakable) of transmission "Passepartout" (Raitre on every Sunday at 13.20), one of the few reasons to pay fees Rai.

The link between wealth was in the '500 and love for the arts can be compared to the investment of many manufacturers now purchase works of art?
"Not talking about it. Because at the time of Palladio, this was the winning side of the world, now is the part that is peripheralization. The upper class in power was an educated class, which does not exist today. "
But who decides whether a work is of value?
"For the architecture often decides the popular support for the visual arts today is no longer the relationship with the client, is only one thing related to business. Financiers decide six or seven, five or six promoters, and the rest of the auction houses, for high prices. For people following the low prices (the market for high-note) in terms of emulators, if an exploit in Paris Lucian Freud at 80 million, Montecatini pull up the local artist in 8000 €.
But this commodification of art is an irreversible process?
"No, because after the investment phase and purchase at high prices, cycles that last forty years, the art continues to own the streets. Then add in the margins "The rich is happy when he spends so much money. The Russians are happy, while the Americans also want to earn. The Russians are more sympathetic. "
Arts and economics intersect also in the globalization issue. While the local artist is cheap, the quality of local produce, meats from the Veneto wines that adorn the table in front of us, is worth a lot. But the ham, transport, deteriorates, we see ourselves. "But the art! It decontextualizes, it ruins ... "replies Davenport. Moreover, as noted during his lecture, now the architecture is not built to last, but for "real estate", real estate investment to be amortized. Even the art is. Indeed people live in increasingly non-places: outlet, houses the result of shoddy construction.
The latter may in future urban structures become stable, aesthetically valid and cured?
"No, because they have an identity, are 'junk spaces'. Perhaps it is the destiny of humanity, but is not the problem of neocostruzioni. I am not able to generate an aesthetic, because the material does not last. The rest are not made to last and are replaced by structures daughters aesthetics of the moment. It does not even later age, because they do not leave the samples, but how did the Greek society. Difficult are copied in future public housing on the outskirts of Sofia and Milan. The new challenge is to balance ecological design the decline, do not create ecological trouble. Dismantle and reconstruct buildings mean wasting resources. It will be an increasingly topical theme: Create lasting items rather than use throw-away, from a low cost on time but the high cost to the community. And the same goes for food: it is better to consume local products. " How much optimism ...

"The risk that our society collapses is very high. However I imagine that humanity can get along. The problem is that plastic bottle you see on the table for up to here has consumed more oil than consumed to set up the rest of the refreshment. "

Written in collaboration with EB
Published in Corriere Vicentino "of May 31, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008

How Long Should I Stay At Home With Bronchitis

(in) Catacrismi

15:20 me: I have to write an article about cataclysms
15:21 elena: t I have said, our generation are a cataclysm

and we are victims

the evening at the dinner table my father often gets lost and makes us lose in the short stories of "his" seventies, when strikes and demonstrations to prevent the production of electric motors passed, by a decision of the State, by Pellizzari Arzignano Ansaldo of Genoa. But they were not just strikes, his political commitment was active and ongoing. Attend meetings of the PCI local, organized meetings, concerts, moves up and down Italy for meetings and events, met friends and talked with intellectuals and leaders. He awoke in a tent in case the parties of the park Lambro .
Thirty years from that time young people's interest in politics is so diminished as to render any attempt at a blasphemous comparison.
my peers and I are overwhelmed with information, so that no one can no longer justify saying "I did not know / I do not know." But the paradox in which we live is that if one side the possibility to inform themselves are huge, the other the opportunity to act seem to be incredibly tight. The centers of power seem far, absolutely not influenced by our will. Where, how, by whom are the key decisions concerning global social issues? Take place in public space, through the engaged participation of the majority?
The paradox is even more interesting when you consider that the Government is a party that explicitly refer to freedom. But, to paraphrase Hannah Arendt, freedom to do what? Freedom from what?
Our situation is well described by an example of Slavoy Zizek:
il pulsante «chiudi porte» degli ascensori è quasi sempre un placebo assolutamente inefficace, piazzato lì soltanto per dare ai singoli individui l'impressione di partecipare, di contribuire in qualche modo alla velocità del viaggio in ascensore; ma quando premiamo quel pulsante, la porta si chiude esattamente alla stessa velocità di quando ci limitiamo a premere il pulsante del piano.
Ma è davvero così? Non conta. Conta il fatto che la sensazione sia quella.
Eppure. Eppure a vent'anni non dovremmo concederci il lusso di arrenderci.
Spogliandoci dalle responsabilità e pensando che fenomeni come la globalizzazione, il capitalismo selvaggio, la mafia o la burocrazia siano provocati da un Fato a cui non possiamo opporci. Non scordiamoci che la strategia più efficace dell'equivoco è la ripetizione.
Penso a qualche mio coetaneo impegnato in politica: nessuno crede davvero che lo faccia per passione. E, se davvero è così, io per primo lo considero un ingenuo. Siamo troppo disillusi per credere che il mondo possa cambiare attraverso la politica, per cui o ce ne stiamo a casa cercando di non pensarci (o di non pensare) o cerchiamo altri modi per incanalare le nostre energie. Molti fanno volontariato, altri usano internet per dire quello che pensano, o per diffondere programmi gratuiti (o canzoni, film ecc.), pochi sono veramente incazzati. E' tutto molto diverso da quello che accadeva trent'anni fa.
Sono tempi interessanti quelli che stiamo Vivendo?

And now, when I say what I say is what I mean, no I mean what I said.
(Alejandro Dolina)

(scroll) non pubblicato dal Corriere Vicentino 3 maggio 2008

How Long Should I Stay At Home With Bronchitis

(in) Catacrismi

15:20 me: I have to write an article about cataclysms
15:21 elena: t I have said, our generation are a cataclysm

and we are victims

the evening at the dinner table my father often gets lost and makes us lose in the short stories of "his" seventies, when strikes and demonstrations to prevent the production of electric motors passed, by a decision of the State, by Pellizzari Arzignano Ansaldo of Genoa. But they were not just strikes, his political commitment was active and ongoing. Attend meetings of the PCI local, organized meetings, concerts, moves up and down Italy for meetings and events, met friends and talked with intellectuals and leaders. He awoke in a tent in case the parties of the park Lambro .
Thirty years from that time young people's interest in politics is so diminished as to render any attempt at a blasphemous comparison.
my peers and I are overwhelmed with information, so that no one can no longer justify saying "I did not know / I do not know." But the paradox in which we live is that if one side the possibility to inform themselves are huge, the other the opportunity to act seem to be incredibly tight. The centers of power seem far, absolutely not influenced by our will. Where, how, by whom are the key decisions concerning global social issues? Take place in public space, through the engaged participation of the majority?
The paradox is even more interesting when you consider that the Government is a party that explicitly refer to freedom. But, to paraphrase Hannah Arendt, freedom to do what? Freedom from what?
Our situation is well described by an example of Slavoy Zizek:
il pulsante «chiudi porte» degli ascensori è quasi sempre un placebo assolutamente inefficace, piazzato lì soltanto per dare ai singoli individui l'impressione di partecipare, di contribuire in qualche modo alla velocità del viaggio in ascensore; ma quando premiamo quel pulsante, la porta si chiude esattamente alla stessa velocità di quando ci limitiamo a premere il pulsante del piano.
Ma è davvero così? Non conta. Conta il fatto che la sensazione sia quella.
Eppure. Eppure a vent'anni non dovremmo concederci il lusso di arrenderci.
Spogliandoci dalle responsabilità e pensando che fenomeni come la globalizzazione, il capitalismo selvaggio, la mafia o la burocrazia siano provocati da un Fato a cui non possiamo opporci. Non scordiamoci che la strategia più efficace dell'equivoco è la ripetizione.
Penso a qualche mio coetaneo impegnato in politica: nessuno crede davvero che lo faccia per passione. E, se davvero è così, io per primo lo considero un ingenuo. Siamo troppo disillusi per credere che il mondo possa cambiare attraverso la politica, per cui o ce ne stiamo a casa cercando di non pensarci (o di non pensare) o cerchiamo altri modi per incanalare le nostre energie. Molti fanno volontariato, altri usano internet per dire quello che pensano, o per diffondere programmi gratuiti (o canzoni, film ecc.), pochi sono veramente incazzati. E' tutto molto diverso da quello che accadeva trent'anni fa.
Sono tempi interessanti quelli che stiamo Vivendo?

And now, when I say what I say is what I mean, no I mean what I said.
(Alejandro Dolina)

(scroll) non pubblicato dal Corriere Vicentino 3 maggio 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

How To Change W4 To Married 0


How To Change W4 To Married 0


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rephresh To Cure Thick White Discharge

Be ', that mean? The grim landscape

Rephresh To Cure Thick White Discharge

Be ', that mean? The grim landscape

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Astrostart Installations

" A quantit di Spazi indecision, privi di funzione, sui quali è difficile pose a nome. Quest'insieme does not belong to the territory of the shadow or that of light. It is located on the edge. One thing in common: all are a land of refuge for diversity .
Simple, clear and concise. The definition of the landscape of third Gilles Clement, one of the most celebrated gardeners of the time, surprisingly given rise to some misunderstanding between friends of the bar.
Valter, according to coach a team that plays the championship students, celebrated the "third shift", or altruism. Give the ball to his companion and shots, that gives back to you and puts you in front of the door. At that point instinct says to pull, but who has enough blood cool to be able to ponder the situation understands that it would be better back at the center of the area, where the fellow that put us in front of the door waiting all alone to score. Here, then, that undecided spaces, no purpose, are those moments in which the boy must decide whether to pull the door or raise her head and look at the center. "That's the important thing - explains Valter - if the guy takes a look to say that football has got something. Then they may decide that there is no way to pass it and it is best to try to pull, or even discard the goalkeeper. " A praise to players, so they know that the ball does not belong neither the land nor the shadow of light . Once entered.
Gionni, permanent presence at the bar since '95, he launched into a defense of "third pissaggio" noble name of the third piss. Given that the first morning piss is and the second is that any break during the day about which is the third time piss were created by the two schools. The school is an adept in Gionni celebrates the rite of the third year to piss off from the pub late at night, with the blessed air of someone who has drowned the faults in a glass with a piss alcohol that ideally ends the evening. In those moments there and worry about where it ends of urination, probably at a point which belongs neither to the land of the shadow, or as light . Another school, but very definitely a minority view, celebrating the ritual is almost always in a bath, every more or less irregular, often at home, at any time of day, just before you get dressed. It is the famous piss "cleaning", during which you think back briefly to the performance of individuals, we look at the replays and we often give a vote which hardly matches that given us by those beyond, on the bed, waiting for be taken home. O in the street. When
Maicol, who has just dragged me close to its 180 kg of sympathy and gratuitous violence, attacks to criticize the third pesaggio forced those to which the public have become tired of the weight, a little 'tipsy, and I want to go home. On the way I collect Linda ( small gift), grumpy woman brings Ghanaian (with that 'h that, as in Thiene, is a mystery to me) who was hitchhiking after ten hours of tanning. Perhaps there is an arrogance in claiming that marginalized prefers the margins, it is recognized that a clandestine extra-nell'incolto that populates the sides of the road.
dried weeds, call friche , if you like, you will be weeds, but maybe someone there would write a book.

Not published by Corriere Vicentino
of April 5, 2008 (but you buy the same newspaper)

Astrostart Installations

" A quantit di Spazi indecision, privi di funzione, sui quali è difficile pose a nome. Quest'insieme does not belong to the territory of the shadow or that of light. It is located on the edge. One thing in common: all are a land of refuge for diversity .
Simple, clear and concise. The definition of the landscape of third Gilles Clement, one of the most celebrated gardeners of the time, surprisingly given rise to some misunderstanding between friends of the bar.
Valter, according to coach a team that plays the championship students, celebrated the "third shift", or altruism. Give the ball to his companion and shots, that gives back to you and puts you in front of the door. At that point instinct says to pull, but who has enough blood cool to be able to ponder the situation understands that it would be better back at the center of the area, where the fellow that put us in front of the door waiting all alone to score. Here, then, that undecided spaces, no purpose, are those moments in which the boy must decide whether to pull the door or raise her head and look at the center. "That's the important thing - explains Valter - if the guy takes a look to say that football has got something. Then they may decide that there is no way to pass it and it is best to try to pull, or even discard the goalkeeper. " A praise to players, so they know that the ball does not belong neither the land nor the shadow of light . Once entered.
Gionni, permanent presence at the bar since '95, he launched into a defense of "third pissaggio" noble name of the third piss. Given that the first morning piss is and the second is that any break during the day about which is the third time piss were created by the two schools. The school is an adept in Gionni celebrates the rite of the third year to piss off from the pub late at night, with the blessed air of someone who has drowned the faults in a glass with a piss alcohol that ideally ends the evening. In those moments there and worry about where it ends of urination, probably at a point which belongs neither to the land of the shadow, or as light . Another school, but very definitely a minority view, celebrating the ritual is almost always in a bath, every more or less irregular, often at home, at any time of day, just before you get dressed. It is the famous piss "cleaning", during which you think back briefly to the performance of individuals, we look at the replays and we often give a vote which hardly matches that given us by those beyond, on the bed, waiting for be taken home. O in the street. When
Maicol, who has just dragged me close to its 180 kg of sympathy and gratuitous violence, attacks to criticize the third pesaggio forced those to which the public have become tired of the weight, a little 'tipsy, and I want to go home. On the way I collect Linda ( small gift), grumpy woman brings Ghanaian (with that 'h that, as in Thiene, is a mystery to me) who was hitchhiking after ten hours of tanning. Perhaps there is an arrogance in claiming that marginalized prefers the margins, it is recognized that a clandestine extra-nell'incolto that populates the sides of the road.
dried weeds, call friche , if you like, you will be weeds, but maybe someone there would write a book.

Not published by Corriere Vicentino
of April 5, 2008 (but you buy the same newspaper)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wisconsin Bmi Average

something new (on your balcony)

Silvio Walter (O Hilary Chiapponi) created by Peter Pumpkin

in collaboration with Ilaria De Monti

Arzignano The center of a little over a week raised the company can boast of Silvio - Walter, the dummy-player that stands out from the balcony of the drawing. Its name is a victim of a level playing field, as well as its position, which looks to the future, but fart in the past, pointing to the left, but with a solid right hook.
It 'nice to think that hardly ever a dog piss on my leg.
the lady downstairs, we gave away a copy of the Courier to apologize: the first morning that saw Silvio Walter thought that someone had hanged and came cuddly. People walk through the center with his head tilted upward, and many are asking what does this "thing taca on there." Difficult to answer that serves to make him look up (ie from another party).

This morning the phone rang and I was hoping that I was calling the dream I had just done, or that perhaps I was still doing it. But I did not answer. I got up and I discovered that my dog \u200b\u200bhad shit in the laundry. I locked up while cleaning the toilet, and he thought well shit there too. I
beaten for good, say good luck.

un amico dev'esser per forza un essere vivente?

Wisconsin Bmi Average

something new (on your balcony)

Silvio Walter (O Hilary Chiapponi) created by Peter Pumpkin

in collaboration with Ilaria De Monti

Arzignano The center of a little over a week raised the company can boast of Silvio - Walter, the dummy-player that stands out from the balcony of the drawing. Its name is a victim of a level playing field, as well as its position, which looks to the future, but fart in the past, pointing to the left, but with a solid right hook.
It 'nice to think that hardly ever a dog piss on my leg.
the lady downstairs, we gave away a copy of the Courier to apologize: the first morning that saw Silvio Walter thought that someone had hanged and came cuddly. People walk through the center with his head tilted upward, and many are asking what does this "thing taca on there." Difficult to answer that serves to make him look up (ie from another party).

This morning the phone rang and I was hoping that I was calling the dream I had just done, or that perhaps I was still doing it. But I did not answer. I got up and I discovered that my dog \u200b\u200bhad shit in the laundry. I locked up while cleaning the toilet, and he thought well shit there too. I
beaten for good, say good luck.

un amico dev'esser per forza un essere vivente?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mosin Nagant Blue Prints

Love is simple? Winx

Pavia, March 13, 2008

was there got so close, yet. The

show went well. Andrea had a megaphone, James has maintained his girlfriend and in general we enjoyed as children drunk. The rector of the college A. Time has proven to be so concerned to ask what we thought of the possibilities that technology offers to those who want to communicate today (diosanto! But it is the subject of my thesis! ), too bad that my habit of losing the first ten minutes of a conversation to impress.

Before and after the show I spoke at length with our own language a person is not mine.
(even in the first line of this post.)

subtly irritating, is not it?

Mosin Nagant Blue Prints

Love is simple? Winx

Pavia, March 13, 2008

was there got so close, yet. The

show went well. Andrea had a megaphone, James has maintained his girlfriend and in general we enjoyed as children drunk. The rector of the college A. Time has proven to be so concerned to ask what we thought of the possibilities that technology offers to those who want to communicate today (diosanto! But it is the subject of my thesis! ), too bad that my habit of losing the first ten minutes of a conversation to impress.

Before and after the show I spoke at length with our own language a person is not mine.
(even in the first line of this post.)

subtly irritating, is not it?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Angela Myammee Pitts Measurements

Around and above (or the possibility of peaceful coexistence)

"Could not recognize" - read an article of Corriere della Sera on May 21, 2005 - "doe-eyed, belly buttons in the wind, flowing hair in pigtails or plastic collected. They wear low waist pants, top wrung mini breathtaking (...) ". "It will, ma a me sembrano po’ zoccole”, rispondeva Gilioli, sul suo blog dell’Espresso in un post del 29 novembre 2007. E in effetti quella che avete appena letto potrebbe essere indifferentemente la descrizione edulcorata delle procaci ragazze straniere che affollano la statale per Vicenza o quella “esagerata” (da padri o madri spaventate dalle “giovani d’oggi”, per intenderci) delle ragazzine che girano per i ricchi centri di Arzignano o Valdagno.
Le Winx stanno facendo impazzire i genitori di mezzo mondo, assediati da cd delle Winx, mutande delle Winx, poster delle Winx, tappetini delle Winx, puzzle delle Winx, film delle Winx, libri delle Winx, fermacapelli delle Winx, quaderni Winx, Winx comics, cartoons on TV Winx, dressed in carnival of Winx Winx and in person, or dolls, without neglecting the lollipop of the Winx that, as we read about in February different sites, it seems to be "high risk to children." While opinions are divided from the bar, as usual, between "apocalyptic" (our poor children!) And "integrated" (small we played cowboys and Indians, but we have become the mica gunslingers!) And floats on both the false comfort of "at least I'm an Italian product," the network's debates and row, starting from the "dean" Luca Sofri : "In a country where il modello prevalente è Corona, le Winx sembrano innocue: in realtà sono solo il gradino precedente.”. La palla ha rimbalzato sulla (blogo)sfera, finchè Zoro , con ben tre post, ha risposto alle critiche con ironia: “date una carezza alle vostre Winx”, ha proposto, parlando della loro imbattibilità (“per mille ragioni, non ultima quella che sono fate”) e proponendole per la guida del Partito Democratico.
Per quanto mi riguarda, in un pomeriggio irrequieto ho sfidato il cielo obnubilato e sono andato da Bianca, che ha otto anni e una zazzera di capelli castani che le arrivano alle spalle. Per una strana scelta dei genitori, da quando è nata la televisione l’ha sempre seen only at grandparents' house. The poison apparatus screen (almost exclusively) plate and the message proto-sexist advertising may have infected perhaps thousands, millions of girls. But not her, I said to myself. The carriers (in) tettocrazia healthy, without a television set from which radiate, have blunt weapons.
Wrong. Bianca knows by heart the Winx through word of mouth of her classmates and indeed, I am forced to a challenge with the role play of the Winx, of which, as stated in the advertisement : "Do not you ever tire (...) because the protagonists are the Winx, the adorable fairies, become a veritable model for young girls. Giving and buying in stores Winx a game that certainly will not disappoint your child, and you too, that sometimes you give up your schedule and spend your time playing with your daughters. So do you enter in the Winx fairy world and understand its uniqueness and because the girls there are pretty crazy. ". Possible that after fifty years of struggle the only real resource of a woman remains her body? And the objective remains the achievement of the male and his weapons fashionable clothes?
- The proliferation of Winx is only one of the consequences of the collapse and the resulting confusion of roles, primarily children - someone tells me - the real problem is not gender stereotypes, but their crumbling: the parents do not know what to teach their children and expect to have others (the school, the state, TV) to perform them.
Given that the stories are "kid stuff", nothing to do with any Shrek or Ratatouille, and that any adult can concentrate on what they are up to their long-limbed small screw to wasp and I face the facts, crushed by the disintegration of roles, including risk of losing the match against White. "Echantix," cried in a desperate attempt of defense. But at this point White is gone, it was already fed up ten minutes ago.
Greetings fey.

(Number of times the word "Winx" appears in this article: 24.)

Published in Corriere Vicentino 'of the March 8, 2008 .

Bianca's father, in an email a few days ago:

But I must inform you that White, after a quick steering towards gormiti, heads for the collection of football cards (in communion of goods with his brother). The only signifier is the phallus, the others are substitutes, and I fear that the road to femininity "substantial"
pass through the engagement and the abandonment of a male model.
Insomma non esiste UN modello femminile, mentre esiste UN SOLO modello maschile rispetto al quale debbono collocarsi sia gli uomini che le donne.

sono appena stato a un seminario lacaniano quindi sto delirando

Angela Myammee Pitts Measurements

Around and above (or the possibility of peaceful coexistence)

"Could not recognize" - read an article of Corriere della Sera on May 21, 2005 - "doe-eyed, belly buttons in the wind, flowing hair in pigtails or plastic collected. They wear low waist pants, top wrung mini breathtaking (...) ". "It will, ma a me sembrano po’ zoccole”, rispondeva Gilioli, sul suo blog dell’Espresso in un post del 29 novembre 2007. E in effetti quella che avete appena letto potrebbe essere indifferentemente la descrizione edulcorata delle procaci ragazze straniere che affollano la statale per Vicenza o quella “esagerata” (da padri o madri spaventate dalle “giovani d’oggi”, per intenderci) delle ragazzine che girano per i ricchi centri di Arzignano o Valdagno.
Le Winx stanno facendo impazzire i genitori di mezzo mondo, assediati da cd delle Winx, mutande delle Winx, poster delle Winx, tappetini delle Winx, puzzle delle Winx, film delle Winx, libri delle Winx, fermacapelli delle Winx, quaderni Winx, Winx comics, cartoons on TV Winx, dressed in carnival of Winx Winx and in person, or dolls, without neglecting the lollipop of the Winx that, as we read about in February different sites, it seems to be "high risk to children." While opinions are divided from the bar, as usual, between "apocalyptic" (our poor children!) And "integrated" (small we played cowboys and Indians, but we have become the mica gunslingers!) And floats on both the false comfort of "at least I'm an Italian product," the network's debates and row, starting from the "dean" Luca Sofri : "In a country where il modello prevalente è Corona, le Winx sembrano innocue: in realtà sono solo il gradino precedente.”. La palla ha rimbalzato sulla (blogo)sfera, finchè Zoro , con ben tre post, ha risposto alle critiche con ironia: “date una carezza alle vostre Winx”, ha proposto, parlando della loro imbattibilità (“per mille ragioni, non ultima quella che sono fate”) e proponendole per la guida del Partito Democratico.
Per quanto mi riguarda, in un pomeriggio irrequieto ho sfidato il cielo obnubilato e sono andato da Bianca, che ha otto anni e una zazzera di capelli castani che le arrivano alle spalle. Per una strana scelta dei genitori, da quando è nata la televisione l’ha sempre seen only at grandparents' house. The poison apparatus screen (almost exclusively) plate and the message proto-sexist advertising may have infected perhaps thousands, millions of girls. But not her, I said to myself. The carriers (in) tettocrazia healthy, without a television set from which radiate, have blunt weapons.
Wrong. Bianca knows by heart the Winx through word of mouth of her classmates and indeed, I am forced to a challenge with the role play of the Winx, of which, as stated in the advertisement : "Do not you ever tire (...) because the protagonists are the Winx, the adorable fairies, become a veritable model for young girls. Giving and buying in stores Winx a game that certainly will not disappoint your child, and you too, that sometimes you give up your schedule and spend your time playing with your daughters. So do you enter in the Winx fairy world and understand its uniqueness and because the girls there are pretty crazy. ". Possible that after fifty years of struggle the only real resource of a woman remains her body? And the objective remains the achievement of the male and his weapons fashionable clothes?
- The proliferation of Winx is only one of the consequences of the collapse and the resulting confusion of roles, primarily children - someone tells me - the real problem is not gender stereotypes, but their crumbling: the parents do not know what to teach their children and expect to have others (the school, the state, TV) to perform them.
Given that the stories are "kid stuff", nothing to do with any Shrek or Ratatouille, and that any adult can concentrate on what they are up to their long-limbed small screw to wasp and I face the facts, crushed by the disintegration of roles, including risk of losing the match against White. "Echantix," cried in a desperate attempt of defense. But at this point White is gone, it was already fed up ten minutes ago.
Greetings fey.

(Number of times the word "Winx" appears in this article: 24.)

Published in Corriere Vicentino 'of the March 8, 2008 .

Bianca's father, in an email a few days ago:

But I must inform you that White, after a quick steering towards gormiti, heads for the collection of football cards (in communion of goods with his brother). The only signifier is the phallus, the others are substitutes, and I fear that the road to femininity "substantial"
pass through the engagement and the abandonment of a male model.
Insomma non esiste UN modello femminile, mentre esiste UN SOLO modello maschile rispetto al quale debbono collocarsi sia gli uomini che le donne.

sono appena stato a un seminario lacaniano quindi sto delirando

Saturday, March 8, 2008

What Does Density In The Lungs On An Xray Mean

Dov'eravamo rimasti? Al fatto che lavoro per una piccola e affascinante casa editrice di nome Millennium (due "n" e due "l" come vuole la grammatica latina, mi raccomando, altrimenti incappate in un' altra casa editrice per la quale non credo potrei mai lavorare ) in un paese che non mi piace e che fatalità è il mio.
Questo blog cambierà un po'.

Innanzi tutto la mia tesi e la presentazione della suddetta sono finalmente realmente disponibili cliccando sul link lì a destra. (contrariamente a com'era accidentalmente precedentemente, quando stranamente i files non erano subitamente raggiungibili)
Siete stati degli stronzi: non mi avevate detto niente. Ora non avete più scuse, e vi meritereste molti più avverbi.

D'ora in poi questo blog diverrà in parte un prolungamento di "Cabaret Voltaire", ovvero la sezione culturale del "nuovo" Corriere Vicentino.
Ne vedrete delle belle.(e specificatamente, a breve, di belle, giovani, sexy e non commestibili)

- Adesso potrai andare a casa e dire "Papà, hai visto che non mi drogo?"
- Intendi dire "non mi drogo e basta"?

C'ho le prove!

E se pensi che dovrei smetterla di menarmela e fare qualcos'altro, be', in effetti faccio anche questo .

What Does Density In The Lungs On An Xray Mean

Dov'eravamo rimasti? Al fatto che lavoro per una piccola e affascinante casa editrice di nome Millennium (due "n" e due "l" come vuole la grammatica latina, mi raccomando, altrimenti incappate in un' altra casa editrice per la quale non credo potrei mai lavorare ) in un paese che non mi piace e che fatalità è il mio.
Questo blog cambierà un po'.

Innanzi tutto la mia tesi e la presentazione della suddetta sono finalmente realmente disponibili cliccando sul link lì a destra. (contrariamente a com'era accidentalmente precedentemente, quando stranamente i files non erano subitamente raggiungibili)
Siete stati degli stronzi: non mi avevate detto niente. Ora non avete più scuse, e vi meritereste molti più avverbi.

D'ora in poi questo blog diverrà in parte un prolungamento di "Cabaret Voltaire", ovvero la sezione culturale del "nuovo" Corriere Vicentino.
Ne vedrete delle belle.(e specificatamente, a breve, di belle, giovani, sexy e non commestibili)

- Adesso potrai andare a casa e dire "Papà, hai visto che non mi drogo?"
- Intendi dire "non mi drogo e basta"?

C'ho le prove!

E se pensi che dovrei smetterla di menarmela e fare qualcos'altro, be', in effetti faccio anche questo .

Monday, February 4, 2008

Just Had A Sore Throat And Now I Feel A Lump

tests between power and the family choose the Blues Brothers

Siamo messi più o meno così:

Ma ci manca John Belushi.

Marini: It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Napolitano: .
Berlusconi: .
Veltroni: .

Mastella: Tra il potere e la famiglia io scelgo the blues brothers.

Just Had A Sore Throat And Now I Feel A Lump

tests between power and the family choose the Blues Brothers

Siamo messi più o meno così:

Ma ci manca John Belushi.

Marini: It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Napolitano: .
Berlusconi: .
Veltroni: .

Mastella: Tra il potere e la famiglia io scelgo the blues brothers.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Witty Baby Card Message

The Importance of Being

Almost two weeks ago, it was Sunday evening, I found myself at the kitchen table with my father and my mother. In his hand he wore a pair of papers in which he spoke of an "International Inglese schools with locations around the world. The costs were circled with a pen, and there were two little insight into offices in New York and San Francisco. We spent a couple of hours discussing, basically trying to answer questions like "What I want to be?" But also "It 's right to travel the world with other people's money?", "E' right to waive bid interesting and practical for an uncertain and imprecise? "," Arzignano is a good place to live? ".
depends. The answer remains the same. It depends.
But, then, depends on what? Who is dependent?
A rational, which I am on the Wednesday evening, sitting comfortably on an ergonomic chair in front of the computer, and within my reach, there are infinite number of files and information and the machine that I share with my sister, parked below, it seems I can take anywhere reply: "It depends on me .

But at the end of the discussion, there was a question that scared me, and that is to say: "I will remain locked forever in Arzignano?".
Here, where once, they say, were all campaigns. I've seen a few, but I did the last generation of Arzignano che abbia avuto una casa sull'albero. Poi un giorno sono arrivarono le ruspe e spianaro il tutto per far costruire un palazzo. In quel palazzo venne ad abitare Luca: il miglior portiere che la mia piccola squadra di sfigati avesse mai avuto. Giocavamo su un pezzo di terra brulla e irregolare, in pendenza, con due porte di legno con reti da pesca. Di fianco un giorno ci misero un palazzo. In quel palazzo, al piano terra, venne ad abitare "Giani il belo": un omino magro dagli occhi storti e pochi denti che era riuscito a crearsi un piccolo orto proprio a fianco del nostro campo. Ogni tanto la palla finiva di là e noi entravamo di nascosto a riprenderla, con la fifa matta che lui ci beccasse. Poi però, un giorno, hanno tolto le porte. Chissà se troveranno space for another building.

Everything is jam, everything is a factor K (shed), everything is politics, and the worst. Get the car and on the main road is a succession of towns and industrial zones seamlessly. Metropolis a kind of long, or maybe the outskirts of cities, from Verona to Mestre. There is no more space is all occupied.
Not only that: there is no solution for identity. We Veneto, we are the Veneto. So what?

makes you want to go. Fuck: Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Paris and Bombay.
I think that what you call home is a good place to go. Then I think I want to choose. Agreed: the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving control Complete our destiny is an illusion, but I do not want to have control. I want to have responsibility. The fact that we can not resolve the flaws in the world with our own strength alone does not justify not trying. From Monday, January 14

work Editrice Millennium, I'll be an intern until the end of February and then, perhaps, they should hire me. I have very flexible schedules and work with people who know how ironic, a rarity in these parts. I correct articles, writing articles, I take care of books and try to carve out my own work by organizing "cultural events". Will hear about.
My grandson will live in my house for a while 'and is big and beautiful. Eat a lot, shit as a result, little cries and dorme a momenti alterni. Sapesse scrivere sarebbe la copia sputata di suo zio. Ma ha tutto il tempo per diventare meno egocentrico.

Il governo Prodi cade non per colpa di manifestazioni di piazza, di riforme impopolari o attentati. Ma perchè hanno arrestato la moglie di Mastella. O perchè il Papa non è potuto andare a parlare all'Università di Roma. La CEI ci ricorda che non è il caso di uscire dal Medioevo. Cuffaro non si dimette.
Io mi incazzo, mi indigno e torno a casa più tardi di mio padre. Alessio Danilo è nel passeggino, o nella culla.
Quando ce l'ho in braccio lo dondolo un po', accenno un paio di passi e gli canto un tango.

Witty Baby Card Message

The Importance of Being

Almost two weeks ago, it was Sunday evening, I found myself at the kitchen table with my father and my mother. In his hand he wore a pair of papers in which he spoke of an "International Inglese schools with locations around the world. The costs were circled with a pen, and there were two little insight into offices in New York and San Francisco. We spent a couple of hours discussing, basically trying to answer questions like "What I want to be?" But also "It 's right to travel the world with other people's money?", "E' right to waive bid interesting and practical for an uncertain and imprecise? "," Arzignano is a good place to live? ".
depends. The answer remains the same. It depends.
But, then, depends on what? Who is dependent?
A rational, which I am on the Wednesday evening, sitting comfortably on an ergonomic chair in front of the computer, and within my reach, there are infinite number of files and information and the machine that I share with my sister, parked below, it seems I can take anywhere reply: "It depends on me .

But at the end of the discussion, there was a question that scared me, and that is to say: "I will remain locked forever in Arzignano?".
Here, where once, they say, were all campaigns. I've seen a few, but I did the last generation of Arzignano che abbia avuto una casa sull'albero. Poi un giorno sono arrivarono le ruspe e spianaro il tutto per far costruire un palazzo. In quel palazzo venne ad abitare Luca: il miglior portiere che la mia piccola squadra di sfigati avesse mai avuto. Giocavamo su un pezzo di terra brulla e irregolare, in pendenza, con due porte di legno con reti da pesca. Di fianco un giorno ci misero un palazzo. In quel palazzo, al piano terra, venne ad abitare "Giani il belo": un omino magro dagli occhi storti e pochi denti che era riuscito a crearsi un piccolo orto proprio a fianco del nostro campo. Ogni tanto la palla finiva di là e noi entravamo di nascosto a riprenderla, con la fifa matta che lui ci beccasse. Poi però, un giorno, hanno tolto le porte. Chissà se troveranno space for another building.

Everything is jam, everything is a factor K (shed), everything is politics, and the worst. Get the car and on the main road is a succession of towns and industrial zones seamlessly. Metropolis a kind of long, or maybe the outskirts of cities, from Verona to Mestre. There is no more space is all occupied.
Not only that: there is no solution for identity. We Veneto, we are the Veneto. So what?

makes you want to go. Fuck: Buenos Aires, San Francisco, Paris and Bombay.
I think that what you call home is a good place to go. Then I think I want to choose. Agreed: the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving control Complete our destiny is an illusion, but I do not want to have control. I want to have responsibility. The fact that we can not resolve the flaws in the world with our own strength alone does not justify not trying. From Monday, January 14

work Editrice Millennium, I'll be an intern until the end of February and then, perhaps, they should hire me. I have very flexible schedules and work with people who know how ironic, a rarity in these parts. I correct articles, writing articles, I take care of books and try to carve out my own work by organizing "cultural events". Will hear about.
My grandson will live in my house for a while 'and is big and beautiful. Eat a lot, shit as a result, little cries and dorme a momenti alterni. Sapesse scrivere sarebbe la copia sputata di suo zio. Ma ha tutto il tempo per diventare meno egocentrico.

Il governo Prodi cade non per colpa di manifestazioni di piazza, di riforme impopolari o attentati. Ma perchè hanno arrestato la moglie di Mastella. O perchè il Papa non è potuto andare a parlare all'Università di Roma. La CEI ci ricorda che non è il caso di uscire dal Medioevo. Cuffaro non si dimette.
Io mi incazzo, mi indigno e torno a casa più tardi di mio padre. Alessio Danilo è nel passeggino, o nella culla.
Quando ce l'ho in braccio lo dondolo un po', accenno un paio di passi e gli canto un tango.