... at the bottom of a coal mine in Hungarian is an expression that indicates a state of absolute bad luck.
Being in the bottom of a coal mine is not the best of luck, but the fact that - trying to figure out - giant frog has placed upon you all his wrinkled ass croaking casually adds to the tragedy you're experiencing a touch of absurd to sap your every need and hope you feel the victim of an injustice universal. In other words: not only is life, life is your . That may not be bad luck
alone is never a cliché, but since the development of modern means of communication could inform me, so at least I would have booked an entire hotel. In short: not only the bad luck is never alone, but they are also without warning. Open the door and be in front of an asshole can be annoying, but being overwhelmed by a wave of diarrhea is not only very wet, also undermines your ability to react.
Taking note of the situation, I politely asked the frog to move, I said the flood of diarrhea that I went out for a moment to take coffee and I locked the door carefully closed the mine. I know that will not help, but it was fun. I'm going to Mantua, tomorrow and Friday. I'm going to sell off groped for a book, but rather go to undersell myself. Because there is no better way to give a value supplied.
is rumored that the Brazilian women are beautiful and available girls, and I suspect that it is the fault of the B movies of the '70s and '80s 1, which have created in our imagination the figure of the Brazilian tall mulatto, curly-haired and blacks, who usually take a shower naked in your bathroom where you get to get a saw.
Well, it's true. The Brazilians are beautiful, and there they are. But they prefer in their fifties. My father and Joseph, his trusted friend, if only one dared walk on the promenade of Rio without wives at their sides, were constantly hounded by boys taller than me who took them under his arm saying "Italians? Italians." I wonder why I had to go through traditional channels. If you do not know how to dance can be a problem. But if you are more rigid than a light pole planted in the Antarctic ice, and you're in the country with the highest rate of ballrooms in the world, then you're really in trouble. But hope is the last to die. I spent two weeks (painful and resentful) abstinence. I thought of myself before departure, when I said he was afraid of waking up one morning naked, tied to a bed, with no money and from migraine with a strong sedative in some remote favela of Rio de Janeiro, after a spectacular night of sex. Add to recall the image of a boxer - or a martial arts expert, that is a character in Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat - I unleashed violent blows with the voracity of the tongue of a chameleon, and the entire memory fades and fists and ended up kicked to the background to the phrase "a spectacular night of sex." "Spectacular." "Night." "Sex." And so ad libitum up to sleep.
The right place to start a trip to Belem is undoubtedly the Estação das Docas, a large complex of shops and restaurants along the River Para. Given the dereliction of the rest the city, when the sliding doors close behind you and the blistering heat without air conditioning space suddenly feels disoriented and excited, ready to fire on the crowd. After an hour spent waiting for my family to rob the stores of perfumes and creams, the Amazon, I give myself a tour of the stalls on the ground floor in the company of Marina, the wife of Joseph. At one stall there is a girl so beautiful that I try not to notice it, so not having to feel guilty when I realize that I did not even try. Marina says she seems to Lebanon and then goes away, leaving me in utter embarrassment while I pretend to be interested in the green plastic beads. The fact
che una ragazza così splendidamente bella mi rivolga la parola è talmente inusuale, al di fuori di ogni mia aspettativa quanto la scoperta di un secondo pene posto nel culo, mi stupisce al punto che mi comporto in modo perfettamente normale e le rispondo. "Be', sì, potresti sembrare libanese. Ma in effetti hai proprio l'aria della brasiliana". Presta attenzione alle mie parole, risponde, tratta le mie frasi come se fossero profonde aposiopesi 2 in procinto d'essere completate. La faccenda è troppo eccezionale perchè me ne stupisca, per cui con savoir faire le chiedo di farmi da guida della città e ci scambiamo i numeri di telefono. La sera stessa la chiamo e ci accordiamo per incontrarci l'indomani mattina. La notte, nel letto, enuncio una legge non scritta secondo la quale la penuria di fica non è mai duratura.
La mattina dopo il caldo soffocante di Belem non m'impedisce di gironzalare per il giardino della cattedrale per almeno un'ora, tra gli sguardi commiseranti degli spazzini. Mi guardo continuamente intorno alla ricerca Louny, ma è ormai palese che non verrà. Mi riunisco mestamente al gruppo, che sta passando in rassegna il mercato del pesce locale. Andiamo a pranzo alla estaçao das docas, dove ovviamente di Louny non c'è traccia, e tento di consolarmi mangiando un'anatra immersa in una strana radice verde che ha l'effetto di rendere insensibile la bocca. Certo, potrei cercare qualche altra ragazza. Ma per la prima volta in the history of my relationship with Louny wonder comes over me, turning in dismay. He could go wrong before? I would have understood. Can not go wrong just when it most obvious. Just before the ice cream reminds me of my mother casually taking a malaria tablet.
And much less distracted the diabolical combination antimalarial tablet-duck decides to prove to my stomach that feels a field invaded by locusts, forcing me to test for most of the night and the next day, the comfort of the toilet seat and its ability to mirror my face. (For the curious: after the third time the water is so dirty that your reflection is uglier than that you have vomited). The next day we wake up at five to take the boat that will take us to the island of Marajó.
on board, while I was trying to think about my condition and seeking to dismiss the stomach ondulatario the movement of the boat, I noticed that a girl's smile weakened by my right to self-pity, and so I could not help but fall in love Natalia. I did not know, but I waited five days of unfulfilled expectations. 3
1 n.d.b* ehi! L' influenza della televisione sull'immaginario collettivo è quasi l'argomento della mia tesi di laurea.
2 brutto non sapere cos'è un'aposiopesi, eh?
3 n.d.b. questo post è troppo lungo, e io lo so.
* nota del bloggatore
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